Surprise! Frak Party: LOST 01x13 through TBD

I am frakking LOST tonight, starting at Episode 13 - Hearts and Minds

This is my first time through LOST and I am trying to catch up in time to watch the finale live in a few weeks.

The frak will start at 9:15 PST if anyone wants to join in :slight_smile:

Anyone else here? :slight_smile:

I’m here, but not for long. I need to get some sleep. :frowning:

I stuck this thread, announced it on Twitter, and posted an announcement, so hopefully someone will join you. :slight_smile:

I’ll blind frak it with you until I get sleepy – just make sure to tell me what’s going on every once in a while

Thanks Badger :slight_smile:

Hi Em!

So today I watched up through where Claire has been taken and Locke and Boone have found that door in the jungle. Kate revealed that she killed someone. Charlie got hanged. Sawyer is still a douche.

It’s not just a door, it’s The Hatch!

Okay I’m starting now…

What the heck is wrong with Boone? He’s getting all jealous of Sayid talking to his sister.

Oh, you have so far to go. Everything you know is wrong.

I envy you the experience. :slight_smile:

Step-sister. :rolleyes:

I can’t believe I didn’t get into this show before. I am even more surprised that no one spoiled me about it this entire time.

Is this the Boone-centric one? If so, wait for his flashbacks and you’ll see …

Probably is the Boone one. There was just a flashback with him.

I have to thank Default Prophet for getting his ‘Looooooooooooooooost’ thing in my head when the title card shows.

Hurley and his digestive issues. :rolleyes:

It’s far too complicated of a show to spoil to any great degree. In fact, there are still quite a few things we still don’t know.

Oh, so in Lost speak, X-centric (at least for now) means the episode has flashbacks for character X and the transitions between Island and off-Island scenes center around him/her.

Oh so the other big development that happened that I saw was Sun overhead what Kate told Jack. I know that will come up soon :smiley:

Seriously! And what’s terrible is that were still getting new mysteries even with six episodes left!

That’ll make a whole new level of sense in about a season or so.