Supernatural 6x21-22 The Haunter of The Dark

OMGs, that’s crueler than letting her die. :eek:

That was more heart wrenching than anything I saw during the Smallville finale.

Actually that fixes nothing since they can still be taken hostage. (but its good story though)

On the bright side, though, they’ll have no idea why. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, wait, that’s not a bright side, is it? :eek:

Ha ha… Thanks for the info.

I think we’re gonna find out next hour. d:

I thought he’d just erase the last 48 hours. Not his existence.

I had the same exact thought.

No kidding.

Nice song choice for the montage.

It’s traditional for season finales.

Thats always a good choice :slight_smile:

I might look them up.

She looks familiar.

“I don’t remember anything.” :eek:

The wall came down, maybe?

hmmm so all his memories were in his soul. good to know.

Jo from Eureka, Erica Cerra.

oh i thought this was a flashback.:o:p

Remember that he lost all memory of the previous year when Death reensouled him?

Crap I hope she’s not part of the setup.

Just a guess: she’s not what she seems. Demon? Angel? God?

I thought this was when souless sam first showed up.

Shaka when the walls fell.

Good to know. Thanks. She looks like a Charmed guess.

Good guesses.

Poor Bobby. All his girlfriends die just the Winchester boys’. :frowning: