Supernatural 6x11 Appointment In Samarra

Friday, 10 December 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

The title is such a great story.

One, two, Freddy’s coming for you! :eek:

Dean? Why are you visiting a back alley doctor? You know an angel.

Death! Love that guy! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hooray! Someone finally remembered Adam.

ETA: And then decided to just leave his ass in the Pit. :eek:

“Are you serious?”
“No, I’m being incredibly sarcastic.” :smiley:

“I thought for sure that Death had you by the twins.” :smiley:

I’m here. Just watching. Can’t get enough time to type.


I like him too. (:

There’s no way that Dean can do this. The sheer number of people who die in 24 hours, even just in one city, would be too hard for him to deal with. He talks a big game, but he’s not nearly as hardcore as he thinks he is.

The commercials/previews makes me think he has to kill someone he knows. Maybe Sam or … crap can’t remember his name.

A merchant and his servant were in the marketplace in Baghdad. Suddenly the man sees Death staring at him, so he immediately left town to stay with his relatives in Samarra. The servant asks Death why he was staring at his master, and Death replies, “I was just surprised to see him. We have an appointment tomorrow in Samarra.” :slight_smile:

“Enjoy the ride down, kid. Trust me, the sauna gets hot!” :smiley:

This really reminds me of Dead Like Me.

Dean’s a graveling! :stuck_out_tongue:

“Well, I know this: I’m Death, she’s twelve, and she’s not dying today.” :o

Didn’t Dean just lose the bet?

Dean changed Death’s design. Oh crap. Good night, nurse. :frowning:

Huh. Ok.


I don’t think so. I think Death wanted him to see the difficult choices. Saving that little girl’s life will have ramifications. Bad ones. :frowning: