Supernatural 6x05 Live Free or Twi-Hard

Friday, 22 October 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Best. Title. EVER. :smiley:

Lol. I’m missing a bit posting in smallville thread…

“I’ve done bad things. You should run. Now.”
“I can make my own decisions. I’m 17.”

This is frakkin’ hilarious. :stuck_out_tongue:

The beginning is making me cringe a little now.

Vampires hunting young girls, using Twilight as bait.

Awesome. :smiley:

Better than a Berneke scheme. ^^

Lmao @ the room.

“These aren’t vampires, man. These are douchebags.” :smiley:

“Look at this. He’s watching her sleep. How is that not rapey?” :smiley:

Wow, using real names.

“Try Lautner.”
“He’s a werewolf. How do you even know about this stuff?”
“He’s everywhere. It’s a nightmare.” :smiley:

Ok. This may be a fun episode…

Wasteful vamps.

They spilled blood everywhere!

Vampires are acting weird too.

I’m still at a loss trying to figure out what’s going on this season.

Fun ride, though.

“You go with Efron. I got Beiber.” :smiley:

Sam is gonna pull a Faith and kill a human?

Damn, Sammy!

Better than Buffy! :eek:

Mmbop? Wow.

“Are you wearing glitter?”
“I only do it to get laid, man.”
“Does it work?” :smiley: