Supernatural 6x05 Live Free or Twi-Hard

Creepy vampire dude is right.

Dean IS pretty. :slight_smile:


Sam. :eek:


He sounded and looked like someone from a prison movieā€¦

This is the last Saw movie? Iā€™ll believe it when I see it.

Dudeā€™s been dead since the third one, and heā€™s not a magical zombie like Jason.

I did not like seeing thatā€¦I donā€™t like what they are doing with Samā€¦

Jensen Ackles. Prison movie.


Iā€™m going to need a moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just donā€™t understand it. Why is he acting like this?

Is Satan still driving?

Heh. Were there more Elm Street movies or Friday, the 13th? They kinda blur together for me. Like 27 of themā€¦

Yeah, thereā€™s an explanation and a fix. Just a matter of when.

Satan is either still in there or Sam is going to forever be twistedā€¦he GRINNED a bit wen he was watching thatā€¦

There were 10 Friday the 13ths. Nightmare on Elm Street had 7, I think. Then there was the crossover movie. And then a remake each.

Not really a fix. Getting Satan out was impossible last season, thereby necessitating dropping him into the cage.

Sam being calm about this is mor scary then him letting Dean become a vampā€¦

I noticed that too. He was actually enjoying it. Thatā€™s a whole different level from just acting kinda weird.

Not at allā€¦ Oh, myā€¦

Do Supernatural vampires need to be invited?

oh noā€¦donā€™t do thisā€¦

Not that I know of

This is frakked up. :eek: