Supernatural 5x20 The Devil You Know

Thursday, 29 April 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Pestilence and a roomfull of rodents.

This can’t turn out well. :eek:

Eric Johnson?

Wow, I haven’t seen him since Flash Gordon tanked.

“EAST??? Bobby, we’re in west Nevada. East is practically all there is.” :smiley:

Romo Badger! :slight_smile:

“They ate my tailor!”

LOL :smiley:

Sneezy! :smiley:

awww… I wish I had demon eyes…

I love the cup o’ blood communication.

Still, wouldn’t a cell phone be easier?

They’re expensive. :stuck_out_tongue:

I sincerely hope Dean’s crisis of blind faith is over.


“remember that time you were possessed?”


Oh man, how many times have I had THAT conversation?

Sam’s kind of a moron.

Love the guy, but seriously, dude, WTF?

“You killed them?”
“We’re on a tight schedule.” :smiley:

The real question is how retribution got into Dean’s ass in the first place. :eek:

I didn’t do well in anatomy but I’m pretty sure retribution isn’t located in one’s ass.

Great minds think alike. :slight_smile:

Death next week? Sweet. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL :smiley:

He used him as bait. :stuck_out_tongue:

dear sweet baby jeebus!?!? That must be how the demon mafia rolls! Wow, holy brutality Batman!

Naw, it’s probably polluted water from the Susquehanna leaching into our drinking water.:rolleyes: