Thursday, 8 April 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
Holy water firehose. Awesome.
Daniel Jackson! :eek:
the only guy thats died more than sam and dean
“You have reached the voicemail of…”
“I don’t understand. Why do you want me to say my name?”
Probably more than both put together.
damn that was fast
Oops. Got your little buddy killed.
On the bright side, at least you can blame the beer on the demon.
Hard not to believe after what Sam’s been through. Faith, OTOH…
Ruh-roh. There are commandments being a-broken. :eek:
didn’t know cass could get drunk. :eek:
Wow, not a prophet. What are the chances of that? :rolleyes:
I’m sure it took a while.
“It actually means ‘You breathe with the mouth of a goat’. It’s funnier in Enochian.”
“Not you. Or me. And Sam, of course, is an abomination.”
We should have drunk Castiel more often.
There’s been a lot of talk about daddy issues lately. I wonder if John is coming back at some point?
“How do you manage?”
“Some days, you get to kill a whore.”
Dean’s gonna do something really stupid, isn’t he? :eek:
Does that count?
Also could his kid be a vessel too?
I guess so. It’s apparently in his whole lineage.
the episode got really heavy quickly…
Dean giving himself up to Michael? I guess what Joshua told him really got to him…
The Angel kept saying they are going to win, but why take their word for it? If it is written to be so, why do the Demons even bother trying to fight if they know they have no chance of winning. There is a catch in there some where.
Dean leaving Sam sets Sam up to taken advantage of by Lucifer… this is not going to be pretty.