Sucker Punch

Hot chicks…check
Machine guns…check
b-52 bombers …check
Samurai swords…check
big frakkin dragon…check



…I’m in

May I add:
Vintage Led Zeppelin in the trailer soundtrack
Scott Glenn
Hot chicks…check

This looks very, very promising. Thanks D!

I’m officially down for that movie.
It’s like a geek dream coming alive, way to follow the Owl movie.
All praise Zack Snyder!!!

At first I was like this pretty cool slighlty grind house-ish, mixed with kill bill ;than it was like sweet that’s a fricken dragon… and than its like shut the hell up there’s zeplins… its the best movie of the year… I’m calling it cause if hot chicks with swords, dragons, machine guns, and zeplins are wrong I don’t want to be right

This is relevant to my interests. IYKWIM.

This one is a definite must-see.

This is going to be for me what the Transformers films was for Sean I think. That film has so many geek things I love. God I love that trailer, Zack Synder I wanna marry you.


A lil featurette

Is anyone else intrigued by this new movie? Sure, worst ttle in the history of titles ever, but plenty of other shows have taken off with bad starts. Eg. Cougar Town. Anyway, back on point, though the hot girls in minis make me doubt the credibilty of this new “fantasy” movie, I’m nevertheless waiting eagerly for it to come to theaters on March 25, 2011.
Synopsis: young girl gets forced into a mental institution where her only escape from opressors is through her own mind… By completing a series of quest like tasks.
I really like the premise, it seems creative and detailed and like they’ve given it some thought. Reminds of some of those sci fi shows i wathed when I was a kid, where there is just the character and the adventure-- a personal struggle. Nowadays, big budget movie making is taking off, so this new film is sure to have plenty of special effects. But still, hmmm… To see, or not to see?

Think it’s been mentioned once or twice, my homie :wink:

and the answer is “to see…most definitely”

I have already proclaimed this to be my NEXT favorite movie.

Pretty girls with swords, AND guns. WWII fighter jets, and tanks, Scott Glen, AND a bad ass fire breathing dragon.

if there is even a glimmer of a story it’ll be perfect.


True to that brother. I saw this trailer and had to watch it 3 times. This should also be right up Sean’s alley. Can’t wait to see it.

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Well it’s directed and written by Zack Snyder, who’s done 300 and Watchmen. I like Zack’s work, so I’m definitely in to watch it.

Threads merged.

I don’t understand, isn’t that the best argument for seeing this movie? :rolleyes:

True dat, though it’s going to have to be pretty AMAZING too oust Scott Pilgrim vs The World to knock it out of the top spot for my personal #1.

Mentioned once or twice. : )
I think I need more sleep, I keep forgetting what forum I’m on. But yeah, I am now officially physched for this movie… Release date written down on my calender

Oops I forgot the exclamation points!!! I am so psyched for this movie!!!
imaginary world in which you can change your reality
super awesome action sequences
A teenage girl (who’s blond no less) kicking serious ass with a ninja sword and machine gun

The one thing I’m worried about is the plot. What if it makes absolutely no sense? Hard to follow? Just plain sucks? Producers are doing movies now purely to put them in 3d and make more money. What if they have the same goal with this one, only substitute 3d for action sequences and special effects.
This movie has serious potential. I think all those movie making people are going to sell it short because they don’t care as much as the fans want them too. (namely, everyone here at GWC).

So this already appealed to me but now I hear a Silversun Pickups track on the trailer too! :smiley:

Heya gang, posted on two new TV Spots for Sucker Punch on Feb 14th. Enjoy the 3s second bits of goodness :slight_smile:

