Straight to the Gutter thread (NSFW)

I wouldn’t judge if you could use it like a jedi master.

Ooh… is it 3pm already? Time for me to do my daily gutter duty. (hehe… I said “dooty”… hehe.) Bring you, half-naked girl pictures:

I like the mix. Female, male, alien, something for all tastes.

Well, let’s keep it going, then.

Ladies and gellispoons, I give you Eva Mendes:

Then somebody better dig out some tranny pics :smiley:

I was looking at a catalog and saw a t-shirt that said 4 out of 5 voices in my head recommend: go back to bed. I am not sure why but I thought of you folks. :smiley:

like this:

or this:

or this:

Also if I don’t get an award/get to host I might cry.

Remember though, Boxey…These photos must remain within The Gutter, so as not to disturb the time-space continuum and throw the universe into utter chaos.

Darn hot tho, you betcha.

Do I have to correct all your typos? That’s supposed to read “gutter chaos”…!

Don’t hassle me, Hoff !!:smiley:

Yes. I know what you mean.

And did you know that if you right-click on the avatar while holding down the Crtl and Alt keys, a screen pops up showing the GWCer naked?

Come on, for a moment there you were tempted to try it.

I don’t want to see me naked.


I tried a dozen times on Starbuccaneer’s profile until I realized you were just pulling my leg!

I also don’t want to see you nekkid…

That has to make getting dressed difficult.

I right-clicked on GR’s and there was the Naked Hoff. Holding a beer and a cheeseburger. Gross. :eek:

Ya know…I find it just wrong somehow that the German guy has the Hasselhoff avatar…

my brain hurts right now. :stuck_out_tongue:

But then again, I’ve never understood people’s fascination with certain parts of a woman’s anatomy. Because they’re just there. Nothing special.

They’re not “just there”, they’re just begging to be used!

There’s so much wrong with what you just said… and not the good kind of wrong.