What about a GWC awards show

As long as I am able to destroy Frakkintalos in every category, I think it’s a great idea.:smiley:

Even in the “Best Shatner Fan” category?

:o hmmm…nah, I have to concede that one. And he’s hard to touch in the “Best Cylon Reveal” and “Most Scotch Drinken”. I’m a decent Scotch drinker, but I’m not on paar with Scotcy MacGee.:wink:

And I think we can all agree on a “Colonial Lifetime Achievement Award” for Solai.

…and smoothest voice.

Not sure who to pick for the “Biggest Arm Muscles” category.

Best Song…

I vote for Jayne.

In theory, this would be a lot of fun. In really, there’s no way we can go through every cast from #1 to #130+ to find candidates for every one of the categories mentioned above. This is practically impossible.

(There, I nominate myself for “Worst Wet Blanket Moment”.)

If we decide the concept’s worth the wait, we could just make it an annual event, start a thread for it with a categories list, and keep an ear out throughout the year. If you hear something you think is award-worthy, note it (including its time code) on the thread. Cull the suggestions at the end of the year, and there you have it.

Ummm, the thread thing does take most of the surprise out of the mix though…
Maybe instead, we PM the suggestions to a moderator or something…

Anyway, I think it’s probably do-able one way or another, as long as we’re not making everyone else delve into the archives.

…of course, there may just be enough people interested in re-listening to “Classic GWC”, and/or people with super memories (perhaps aided by the “great podcast moments”, Frakintalos’ podcast highlights list and Cackleberry’s “Suggested intro quotes” threads) that a retrospective award show could very well be viable.


I love the idea.

Best Smackdown (plenty of fistfights to choose from!)
Best Tigh Moment.
Cavil’s Skeeviest Scene.
Lee Adama’s Worst Whine.

Greatest Gutter Photo.
Best Arm Porn Pic.
Favorite GWC T-Shirt design.

And for fun podcast moments, I’m also working on a compilation for casts 30-40, updating as I go.


Your idea would be a bit of work, but lots of fun, TLT.

FWIW, for general principles I am against the idea of a GWC award show for the reason that not everyone can be celebrated in some way. At the end of the day only certain people will get accolades and others will not. If GWC had a mantra it would be (in Sean’s voice) “We are all homies”.

…I also abhor the new approach taken with kids of everyone getting an award. It isn’t that I am against celebrating individuality and accomplishments…I am simply against it here.

I nominate Solai for “Quickest and Most Negative Reaction to a GWC Awards Show” !!

and you may be right, actually. Some people can take complete dismissal and lack of recognition (hell, I’ve been doing it all my life!), and some can’t…and the last thing we need after all this awesome goodness is hurt feelings and bad attitudes.

Do you sometimes just scroll through the members list and bask in the awesomeness of the many familiar avatars and the cool people behind them? I do.

Yes, I have. I also regularly play Glimfeather’s 100th podcast video and smile alot. :smiley:

FYI…several posts in this thread have been relocated to the gutter. That is all, I now return you to the original topic of this thread.

And Solai rocks, yet again :smiley:

“Solai rocks” sounds like something observed/collected by @MarsPhoenix

And here I thought it sounded like an album of greatest hits sold on late night tv.

“Call now to receive the best of the soft rock stylings of ol’ velvet throat himself, Solai. Turn down the lights and listen as Solai turns up the heat. Act now!”

hey, aren’t you that guy from Galactica Quorum? heheh :smiley: