This picture really isn’t that naughty but I edited a certain part out (I’ll give you a cookie if you can tell which part):
The Gutter is like the Force. It’s all around us. It penetrates and surrounds us. It binds the Forum together. Some are masters and some are padawan learners. The Gutter is mysterious and powerful. This find was just another example of the Gutter flowing through Badger.
GR is the Sith master, of course.
I wonder what my ranking would be
For the Tiki lovers among us, I present you, Lala:
Yay! Your contributions have been quite enjoyable! I, for one, (and it appears some of the other ladies agree ;)) am always up for new gutter fodder. Just cause GR and Pike can’t handle it…
I’m with you Apollymy!
Handle this!
I can handle whatever you throw at me, baby!
But seriously, I think I dated that guy a couple of years ago…
Just because I am enthusiastically in favor of a more equitable gutter, in which men and women of every persuasion can get their freak on, doesn’t mean that I’m gonna stop posting half-naked girl pictures. What can I say, that’s just how I roll.
With that, I bring you Tina Fey:
We have work on your choice of men. Let’s start by choosing men with fewer tentacles.
LOL! What can I say? He hid the tentacles with a crapload of tattoos! I was in a bad boy phase…
Oooh ah, you hit on one of my weaknesses. Carry on then
Hehe… are you sure it’s a phase? You know what they say: once you go tentacle, you can never go back.
By all means. I’m not gonna complain. Male/female, I can appreciate a nice bod. I happen to prefer curvy over skinny when it comes to the female form, though. I don’t wanna be able to count her ribs or see her hip bones.
Um, yeah. I’m gonna hafta say no to the tentacles in the future…
Absolutely. And no obvious airbrushing while you’re at it
(… must resist it… must resist… oh screw it.)
On the other hand, if she wants to see my bones, then maybe something can be arranged. IYKWIM.
Was that an effective exercise in self-control for you tray?
Hey, I controlled my impulses and behaved like a gentleman for, like, full 8 seconds. It’s a new personal record, give me some credit.
I applaud your efforts.