“Toe Camel” would the best advertising mascot, EVAH!
Your Reynolds power is useless on me. Tremble before my sexy cartoon ladies.
Two cents??? I figured that they would cost a lot more than that. :rolleyes:
Old joke, repeated here for the benefit of those who’ve never heard it:
A man asks a woman, “Would you have sex with Brad Pitt for $10 million?”
“Absolutely!” she responds ecstatically.
“OK,” says the man. “So would you have sex with me for a nickel?”
The woman is horrified and retorts, “Of course not! What kind of girl do you think I am???”
The man replies, “Well, we’ve already determined that. Now we’re just haggling for price.”
I love that joke. Whose is that originally? Was that Milton Berle or Groucho Marx?
Ok, well here’s something not too bad.
Who in heaven is this? And why isn’t he in my living room right now?
I have no idea who it is, it’s just an image I quite luckily found.
Here’s another:
The gutter is improving. :D:D:)
I am proud to have helped improve the gutter - to gutterify it further, I mean.
Here’s a strange pic from some magazine, I think:
And here’s something a little more risqué:
Is that Joe the Plumber?
“Bull backside”? As opposed to “cow backside”? Yeah, I’m sure the ladies will love that.
is acceptable if it’s tasteful. (I know ‘tasteful’ is gonna spark a month-long debate, but what the hey.) Just make sure no genitalia is peeking… that’s what I think. No uncovered nipples (female), no genitalia (male/female), no overt sexual acts. Anyone disagree? Let’s talk this out… maybe some kind of consensus will arise.
As far as kids watching this thread goes, I believe we are trying not to show anything here that minors among us will not easily see elsewhere.
That might be a pretty low bar there. Kids today are pretty internet-savvy. They can easily find stuff that most adults wouldn’t even know existed.
General rule of thumb: imagine you’re waking in front of a newsstand’s magazine section, with all the covers showing beautiful men and women. Anything that will be unacceptable on those covers is not acceptable here.
I think that works. Think more “sexy” than “sexual”.
(And no, we are not talking about “that” kind of magazine stand, GalaxyRanger. We don’t all have the backroom VIP pass.)
(Don’t worry, DBT. I’ll hook you up.) :rolleyes:
Now that could have made the election even more interesting.
No idea. I’ve seen attributed to an actual conversation between Winston Churchill and a woman in a pub, which I find doubtful, but who knows?
Sorry Barb.
Sadly the rest of my pics are, well, not tasteful.
Sorry! I’ll look around for sexy pics some more. It’s rather difficult to find good pics of men about. Tasteful ones at least.
No, no. Take your time.
I know, it’s very unfair ;D
a) How does someone even think to do that? “I think me and two buddies will dress up (poorly) as aliens and film a fake porno.” “That sounds great, honey. Have a good time.” lol
b) Where the frak do you find this stuff? :eek:
I know, they had to either hire costumes or custom sew them, either way it had to have a bit of planning involved