Straight to the Gutter thread (NSFW)

Just a little post-Halloween gutterness:

and a couple of funny ones to start off the month:

Wouldn’t they just shoot me?

Not if you do the dance. Their head will spin, and then their circuits will fry up, causing electrical fire.

An addendum, Angelina Jolie Zombie!

I’m not sure I have that much Mojo. :slight_smile:

As opposed to…? :rolleyes:

Also, random Halloween costumed photo I found: Fook Yu and Fook Mi

Also, seen around town, the sign at my neighborhood porn & sex toys shop:

You must be slipping in your gutter duties. How could you miss the “$5 Footlongs” sign at the Subway next door? :stuck_out_tongue:

I was going to post this in the costume thread, but it seems more appropriate here…

Multi-pass! MULTI-PASS!!!

First thread I read in it’s entirety? Yup, this one, followed closely by the Arm Porn thread.

Hmmmm. :wink:

So, in order to give back a bit, I give you one of my fav SciFi ladies…

Gawd I miss Farscape.

it never really goes away. Farscape is to me some of the greatest sci/fi ever made

Beyonce Knowles as Wonder Woman?

Or would you prefer Megan Fox? I know I would!

B-Bye childhood.
What if the violence in cartoons had real-world repercussions.
Some fine artists explored this in this gallery showing:
(Remember, there’s a reason I placed this in the gutter. Consider yourself warned.)

Nice. I had seen some images from that, but didn’t know where they came from.

Itchy & Scratchy Land?

Random unsolicited picture of a naked woman:

More random unsolicited photos of scantily clad women. (I’m simply doing my share to keep the gutter alive.)

I support the Gutter!


Best. Tramp Stamp. EVAH!

Where are all the pictures of naked men? :smiley: