Ah, the famous Schrodinger’s Pussy. (Or something like that… I forgot exactly how it was called.)
Good times, good times. Sexy, naughty indeterministic good times.
Ah, the famous Schrodinger’s Pussy. (Or something like that… I forgot exactly how it was called.)
Good times, good times. Sexy, naughty indeterministic good times.
mmmm…off to my bunk
And, just because I miss her so very dearly, here are some random photos of Kaylee:
I am having bad flashbacks of high school algebra…wait I bet you could get all the boys to excel in algebra if they had these type of word problems.
Is there any Christmas porn out there?
Of course, Rule 34.
Der Scheisseweihnachtenporn?
“is that really Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo?”
Die Hard and Brazil and Lethal Weapon totally qualify as Christmas movies.
Ew! Anything that involves either Santa Claus or naughty elves is a no-go.
I would love to have a Muppet’s Christmas Carol Holiday .
Special. No, it’s not SFF, but Muppets are awesome. I have a tradition of watching it every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas and would love to make it a group watch
Have you seen the ‘Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer’ sequel, Prancer’s Revenge? It’s an acquired taste and actually qualifies as deer porn. Oh wait, it’s been banned in Jersey. Oh well.
I just saw a weird headline on the website of a German TV station, it read (and I translate),
“Niger condemned for slavery”
of course they meant the African state, but yeah… very ambivalent nonetheless.
MCC is one of my all-time favorite holiday films, combining literature, hilarity, Paul Williams’ music, Kermit and Piggy as the Cratchits, and Rizzo the Rat (“Light the lamp, not the rat!”). I’ll watch it with ya.
Yay! We’ll have to schedule a frak party for it soon.
ps: when did the name of the gutter thread change?
This is not the official gutter thread. This is like a sidekick.
Actually, where IS the gutter? I can’t find it. And also, this thread has 1700+ posts. You know, I think this IS the gutter! Someone renamed the “Straight To Gutter” thread to “GR Gutter Challenge”.
Ok, that’s it, people. Our beloved gutter has been taken over by evil forces from the German/New Jersey federation! We must defend the gutter, our home, our sweet, sweet, slightly smelly and kinda sticky home!
Follow me, follow me to freedom! Though I die, La Resistance lives on!
And this thread was started by Topgun. Just like the good old gutter.
First act of La Resistance, start posting pictures of naked women:
Without further ado, I bring you, Tray’s Non-Human of the Week: Leonor Varela.
(Non-human credential: Nyssa in Blade 2)
Looks like the “Straight to the Gutter” thread got merged into the “GR Gutter Challenge” thread, and not the other way around. Fixed now.
Let the Guttering continue!
Yay, the Gutter is back! Thank you!
Are you trying to electrocute us??? :eek:
If I did, I would have sent these after you.