In the arm porn thread.
True, but more arms less bodies
Agreed – that wins 5 points just for topical humor alone. Although I gather GR will see “topical” as an ointment, balm, oil or salve reference, but heck, this IS the gutter…crowded as it may be.
Umm, I think if you page back through you’ll find some good stuff. You just have to dig a little bit, I believe.
I’m not sure why, but for some reason that sounds dirty–in a good way of course.
He’s not naked; he’s dressed as a fairy princess…
Am I being dense? Who’s a princess?
Would you or would you not is the question here.
How’s this for fairy princess time, Cackleberry?
can’t we keep the men porn in the arm porn thread?
Geek-girls need gutter, too!
You said gutter
“You bet your sweet bippy I would.”
which brings up quite the philosophical question: how ugly would an alien have to be in order to make you not make love to it?
I mean, sexing an alien would always be like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and an experience to remember for any regular dude. But where would you draw the line? I think I’ll turn this into a poll…
Unfortunately for us, GalaxyRanger, gutter is for everyone, men, women, gay, straight, and every other shade in between. (Well, except minors, because kids are not really people.)
When you see naked men in the gutter, the only appropriate response is to cover it up with more pictures of naked women.
Like This:
True. They do eventually take human form, but only after draining the life force of the adults around them.
When you see naked men in the gutter, the only appropriate response is to cover it up with more pictures of naked women.
Which then naturally leads to a retaliatory new layer of half-naked men.
Like these:
…and so on, back and forth. In the end, who really wins?
Yeah, but children don’t just take from you, they also give back! With their innocent smiles, their unquestioning naivete, and the labor they provide to my Malaysian textile factory. They really are the gifts that keep giving back.
What exactly is going on in this picture? Care to explain?
Oh, it’s on!
Sorry Barb of Death?
Strapped to a mattress?
Motorcycle helmet?
Oh who cares…Thanks for that.
That’s why I only wear Nikes. You really need those small fingers for good tight stitches.
What exactly is going on in this picture? Care to explain?
Isn’t it obvious? Motorcycle safety is very important and should never be taken lightly.
(Actually, I think it’s a publicity shot from The Tattooist. I don’t think it has any deeper meaning than being an interestingly offbeat picture.)
Oh, it’s on!
You just got served!