Straight to the Gutter thread (NSFW)

A few years back with church scandals, that works. Hmmm, might still be relevant.

ooh! A spanking! :smiley:

OK, here’s one:

A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.

– Eleanor Roosevelt

Ha! Gutter that! :slight_smile:

Yeah well. Now I have Eleanor Roosevelt in a hot tub. searches for bleach to use on brain curses Poofy

Don’t ya think she’s got bedroom eyes?

Please, please say you are kidding. If you are not, PM me and I’ll let you know why your statement is actually really REALLY easy to gutter.

Easy to gutter? Are you nuts? :stuck_out_tongue:

My work here is done. :slight_smile:

bwahahahahahahahaha. Well played sir, well played. :smiley:

Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.
–Elizabeth Taylor

You just can’t stump the gutter.

See what I did there?

Okay carry the two, use leading as the coefficient and horses / dogs as variables. This equation may cause a convergence of seamen.

I dunno… everywhere I go, her eyes follow ya.

Where do I come into all this?



Don’t mention the cookie, don’t mention the cookie, don’t mention the cookie…

I did it all for the cookie
The cookie

That’s two you owe me, Junior.

is “arc poll” the same as “curved penis” ?

Damn you. I saw that typo…

Yes. Which is related to, but not necessarily the same as, “sticky poll”. It is also often a “public poll”.

I for one am not ashamed to be public and sticky.

Oh great, and my comment got deleted…