Straight to the Gutter thread (NSFW)

This is the Gutter thread, and you’re posting a wet-shirt nipple porn of Angel. I don’t think it’s off topic at all. :wink:

Good nite!

I, uh, well … um … you know I think that …

Excuse me.

I think what you meant to say is, “I’ll be in my bunk.”

There’s at least two IYKWIMs in there…

That didn’t come out the way I had it in my head!!

it’s not your fault, sweetie. GR’s double entendre powers are legendary.

here’s a challenge: find a subject GR can’t take to the gutter. I doubt anyone here would bet against him

Ooo, I like that idea. Now to let the cogs start turning

May the double entendre be with me!

here’s a challenge: find a subject GR can’t take to the gutter. I doubt anyone here would bet against him

That’s easy: the gutter. You can’t take something to the gutter that’s already there.

Hey I got a funny story about that too. I don’t know if you knew but here in Germany, we always pronounce soft consonants like hard consonants when they’re at the end of a word. So, “Sting” would be “stink” when pronounced with a German accent and well, you can imagine what happened when the word “cog” came up in English class…

Ok guys…thought we could have a little fun this Friday. I spotted this conversation going on in the Callsign thread and thought: This deserves its own space.

So here you go…can you craft a statement that cannot be warped by the awesome power of GR?

Let the games begin.

Serveral months ago the Dow Jones index was strong and firm. Now it’s droopy and flacid.
(hmmm…I think I need to try a little harder…)

“We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” --Benjamin Franklin

(I’m gonna have to work on this also)

Okay here’s serious one:

There is nothing that has had more postive impact on humanity and the human condition in the last 100 years or so than The Scientific Method. Not Religion, Not Art, Not Culture…nothing. Yet The Scientific Method and the scientists, engineers and technology innovators that have employed that incredible tool aren’t appreciated. Kings, Presidents, Popes, Priests don’t deserve the glory they get ---- Einstein, Jack Kilby, Louis Pasteur, Vinton Cerf --these are the true heroes of our times.

There, try to bring that to the Gutter.

That wuz easy. C’mon this is a challenge!!

Damnit! What was I thinking exposing my tool like that? This is harder than I thot (IYKWIM).

See, I zeroed right in on that part…IYKWIM.

“Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose, and you allow him to make war at pleasure.” --Abraham Lincoln

(OK. I don’t think I’m trying. I’ll work on it. I’m only warming up. Dang. Even that has an IYKWIM. It’s like a frakkin virus!)

Now THAT is downright dirty talk.

I was thinking of using Thot’s siggy, quoting Audra, quoting Douglas Adams.

“Thanks for all the fish.”–Audra, podcast #122, 20:21

but that’s just offensive. Bad. Wicked. Naughty frakkintalos.

Yeah. That’s a keeper.

Children with polio. :rolleyes: