Low hanging is one thing, so long as we’re not talking windfall.
groan Cannot resist: IYKWIM!
Tray’s Non-Human of The Week: Anggun.
She’s a French/Indonesian Singer/Songwriter, best known for The Snow On Sahara. She’s basically a Asian Cher. (Except hot.)
(Non-human credential: She’s French)
I call this the “Curved Penis Phenomenon”
You call everything that.
But in this case, the description is accurate. You know how men with a long and curved penis have a genetic advantage because they can actually scrape out another man’s sperm from a woman’s vagina and thereby ensure that their own sperm will have the better chances of getting to the eggs, even though the woman already had sex with another man before.
Same thing with Solai’s post (no pun intended), Armando may have come second (no pun), but he still stands (again, no pun intended) a good chance of people reading his post and getting their attention when Solai’s words will have faded into thread history.
:eek: :eek:
It IS a scientific fact.
Uh-huh…are you sure those are science magazines you are reading? How many science magazines have a pullout centerfold?
I’m not sure what useful information I have to add to this discussion of …of Solai’s …um …hammer?..but I did just learn this one fact:
Sólás means “comfort” in Gaelic. And it’s also the name of an Irish Pub in Boston where the New England GWC Crew might have our meet-up next week.
But now I’m all weirded out by the whole “Curved Hammer” phemomenon. :eek:
ROTFL this place is just fun
Oh my god, it’s the penis-shaped cheetos apocalypse!
Well, that competitive advantage as you described would only matter if you are routinely having unprotected sex with women who have just had unprotected sex with another man within the last few hours. Really, for your sake, I hope you’re not trying to capitalize on this advantage too much. :eek:
Ok, dude, if that’s what you mean by “curved”, you should go see a doctor.
This is the best gutter I’ve ever been in - ever.
I am glad that this thread has kept its good repretation. GR your entire post could have been a IYKWIM.
I think you’re confusing this with something else. The “second mouse gets the cheese” feature of the human penis is the coronal ridge, not any particular curvature.
Trust Poofy to have the answers when it comes to the gutter! I knew I’d read something about this, but I couldn’t remember exactly what it was.
OTOH, protected sex has little evolutionary value, due to its low rate of reproduction. The increased lifespan and decreased exposure to infection don’t really represent a genetic advantage if they’re never passed on to offspring…