Do you look for this stuff or do you just happen on it?
Imma gonna plead…Both.
Here’s a straight to the gutter story for you:
We were at the movies yesterday to see WallE and since I had things to do downtown at noon, we went to the first showing at 3:30PM. So, movie theater, Saturday afternoon, WallE - of course there were A LOT of kids.
Guess what trailer they showed among others? A “Californication” trailer, because the show is just coming out over here. And they specifically showed footage from the pilot episode, including phrases like “sucking dick” and a two-second shot of a young woman’s bare naked tits while performing copulation, etc.
And don’t get me wrong, I’m not ranting and there was no outcry of rage among the parents and/or their kids, all that went through me head was “hey, they’re showing naked boobies in a theater full of seven-year-olds. The Americans on the forum won’t believe that”
considering that my kindergarten kids know more about Chucky and Michael Myers than I do, naked boobies don’t seem that big a deal
what are parents thinking?
Well GR, we saw WallE as well, but seemed to have avoided the nude sleezy trailers.
I have no luck.:mad:
BTW, WallE was fantatic, was it not? I loved it. And the kids stayed awake and didn’t bug me to go to the bathroom every 3 minutes, the true mark of a classic movie.
It certainly was a very satirical movie, very critical of American society/way of life and I say American and not Western, because even though Western culture in general is almost identical with American culture, the whole “Buy N Large” thing is purely American. No offense meant.
One cannot WILL the gutter to happen.
Gutter is bigger than all of us.
One can only empty one’s mind, and wait for gutter to come to him.
In honor of her vital role in the Back to the Future franchise…
I’d love to be in her shues, IYKWIM!
There are many on this side of the Atlantic that I am convinced are positive that naked boobies will be the cause of the end of days.
A few observations:
- What is that THING she’s wearing? It’s hideous!
- Who is that creepy dude leering over her? She’s young enough to be at least your daughter, possibly your daughter’s younger niece. Go away.
By the way, that’s one monstrously large dog.
Probably some kind of Mexican traditional dress. I like it. For obvious reason.
- Who is that creepy dude leering over her?
Dude, that’s Karl Lagerfeld!
Huge ones at that. Almost too huge. Almost…
No, not really. Elizabeth Shue is actually less than 4 feet tall.
Do you think he actually DESIGNED that crappy dress for her? I bet he just picked up whatever crappy dress that happened to be lying around, and told his assistants, “here, alter this dress so that her boobies will look huge.”
No, that can’t be true! I remember her in Cocktail, standing next to Tom Cruise, and they were the same height!
and your point is?
Nice one Lady D…
Hehe… I was just gonna set that up and see who takes it. Winner: Lady D!
Yeah, well, some of us don’t go after the low hanging fruit all the time