Well, if she needs more bones, I could provide her with one - IYKWIM!
Dromedary Foot?
Looks like she’s got plenty of bones. What she needs is some meat.
If only there was anyone who had some to give her.
Now that GR is lurking this thread again, I will stay away from this one.
What’s that mean? I am not good enough for your gutter?
Nah, it’s called allowing the master to lead.
In that case, let me tell you that once my 21 jigawatts hit the gutter, you’re gonna see some serious sorry barb!
Yes, I was simply suggesting that I may respectfully step aside, and watch the master finish the great work he has started.
Tray’s Non-Human of the Week: Kate Beckinsale
I love this thread
I’d make her back glow…IYKWIM
I’m getting struck blind. IYKWIM.
Sorta speaks for itself.
He might wanna see a doc. That warm front’s supposed to last all week! :eek:
And why does it hafta be across Ohio?
Got to love 4chan. Well, no, you don’t but it’s a good source for lulz. I’ll try to post some gutter-esque images later. It’s just that my collection is rather more risque than the forum allows … hm.
For those of us here who are teenaged mutant ninja lesbians (echo-- echo-- echo–), Sara Shahi is better known as Carmen, who has hot, hot DJ booth sex with Shane on the L Word. And then gets her heart broken and leaves the show. She’s hotter on the L Word, but I’ll take her however she’s given.
Too hipster.
I think YouTube has me figured out. Either that, or maybe it’s telling me to go out and get laid? Either way, it’s disturbing.
I would buy that comic.
Of my friends that are lesbians, I am saddened that none of them are the teenaged mutant ninja variety.
So what did you find when you clicked through? (And don’t pretend you didn’t.)
Yeah, and all of my mutant ninja friends are straight and/or male.
Life would be better if “outside of my head” lined up more closely with “inside of my head.”
OK, only better for me, really, but that’s what counts IMHO.