Stargate's future

I know that the people involved with Universe, Mallozzi & Co., have said that after Universe they were done with Stargate, they’ve devoted anywhere from five to ten years of their lives on it. I can see how they would want to move on, I get that, but that doesn’t mean that MGM can’t bring in a new creative team made up of fans or that has just as much passion as the fans. I’d like believe that out of the 800K+ people watching every episode of Universe live that there isn’t someone who’s a talented writer/producer. That’s me just me trying to remain positive though.

As far as tying the movie into the Bridge Studios mythos, all I’m looking for is things like Ra’s alien form and the Goa’uld form lining up a bit better, getting rid of discrepancies like Creek Mountain versus Cheyenne Mountain, Abydos being in another galaxy and so forth but it’s not really that important to me either. As long as it’s not the “young and sexy cast” from SG-1’s “200”, I can live with a reboot. If it’s a “The Next Generation” sort of thing I would be content with picking up 20 years (or however long it is) later and telling the stories from the intervening years through exposition during current conflicts in a way that Universe didn’t. I was rather irritated how Rodney and Woolsy both showed up and no reference to Atlantis was made at all. Granted it may have been to prevent from stepping on stories told in the latest novels or possible Extinction but it was still frustrating to have no answers.

Same. I know they still intended to make Extinction at the time, but it was still obnoxious.

As far as the Legacy books, they’re good, but I’d gladly accept them being overridden to see the team back together again.

Are the Legacy books on par with the show or are they closer to the pulp-scifi of the previous novels? I want very bad to have more Atlantis but I don’t know if it’s worth the money.

I’d say pretty close to the show. There are a few places where you could tell the writer wasn’t really an expert, but I’ve read worse. I’d say just check out Homecoming and make up your mind after reading it.

And now the long wait begins. What do you guys think the over/under on Stargate coming back to TV is? I’m guessing around 5 years.

OK, maybe hoping is a better word for it.

Sadly, I think it’s done. Maybe we’ll see a reboot in a few years, but anything hanging at this point isn’t going to get resolved. SyFy’s moved on. :mad:

SyFy has moved on, MGM hasn’t from what I understand, they consider Stargate a top franchise in their repertoire so I can see where MGM does something without SyFy and I hope they do; SyFy isn’t Sciffy anymore.

Is MGM doing anything these days?

Being poor?

Haven’t they gotten back to work on the next Bond movie?

And, as the trio has discussed a lot, there are other delivery options than TV. DVD, iTunes, NetFlicks, etc.

MGM secured $500 million for investment and I guess more than half of that will go to make and promote the new Bond movie and I guess day to day operations and many other projects will suck the balance up before solid revenues start to come in.
That I suspect is the reason we are not going to see any SG movies and certainly not a predominantly bankrolled by MGM series, the immediate cash simply isn’t there regardless of how the franchise was lauded in the attempt for the company to stay afloat.

Jarrak speaks the truth, that doesn’t rule out MGM seeking another partner or collaborater to bring more Stargate. I can’t believe they’re just going to end Universe like that!

SGU’s cancellation was a Syfy decision. It wasn’t pulling in enough viewers, so I’d be surprised if another outlet was willing to try again at this point.

Man, I probably sound like a petulant fan boy who just can’t let go but I would argue that SyFy cancelled Universe but had it been season 7 of Atlantis or 15 of SG-1, who knows. Universe was a huge departure from the status quo as well as almost two years after the last episode from the previous series. I’m not sure anyone will ever agree why Universe had such poor ratings compared to previous shows but I can say with relative confidence that those two issues as well as SyFy’s handling of the show (moving it from off-season to prime season, moving it to Tuesday against the #1 show on TV, etc…) played a significant role. SyFy was moving away from true sci-fi well before Universe’s premier, while Atlantis and SG-1 were still on by some accounts, but they had a contract to adhere to, but if the show went away on it’s own…

I believe that there is still an audience out there if the show is done right and handled with respect and I think MGM personnel with more expertise than I have do too. Or maybe I’m a petulant fan boy who can’t let go. :wink:

This. Especially Season 1.0. They found a good balance between character drama and Stargate action after that, especially in the last half season. Most people who were already skeptical but gave it a shot probably used that first half season to make their decision.

I know TPTB didn’t want to do 2 shows at the same time again, but if SGU had a 6th and final season of SGA as a lead in, it would have had time to find its footing before having to stand on its own. Heck, even if they hadn’t announced Atlantis being cancelled (with a wrap up movie they never delivered on), then announced SGU the next day it might have made a difference.

Heck, even if they hadn’t announced Atlantis being cancelled (with a wrap up movie they never delivered on), then announced SGU the next day it might have made a difference.

Agreed. Since I was never that big of an Atlantis fan, and was really interested in seeing a new Stargate show, I didn’t really care. Now that something very similar has happened to me in Caprica being cancelled the day after Blood and Chrome was announced, I know exactly how they felt. Good thing Syfy learned their lesson in not alienating their audience. :oops:

I’m sad to see the Stargate franchise go (as far as we know). Found here a clip collection of the most funniest scenes in all three series.

As unhappy to see SGA go as I was, I understood that people who had devoted years, in some cases a decade, to the franchise might want to move on or do something different and I didn’t begrudge them at all, it is after all their job where to us it’s simply entertainment. The issue was the poor handling of the announcements as stated above cancelling SGA and then in the wake of BSG’s final season announcement suddenly a new show with a similar premise and similar style is announced to take it’s place? Whether they were influenced by BSG or not, it certainly looked suspect and I know I’m not the only who noticed. Personally, I can believe them when they said the show’s concept existed pre-BSG, but concept can be a pretty vague term and could have referred to the 9th chevron, the exploration of other galaxies by an Ancient ship or any number of features that made Universe different from SG-1 and SGA, it doesn’t necessarily explain the obvious and possibly overt similarities to BSG.

Either way, in the end I really enjoyed the show and though my wife isn’t a fan she watched the show with me and was really interested in whether or not they would ever get home and was just as angry as I about the so-called “finale”.

The only thing I can hope is, in real-time, 3 years from now we get to see the Universe crew wake up in another galaxy, Woolsy and McKay have successfully secured the use of an appropriate planet and in the intervening years they’ve found a way to power the gate on the Destiny’s end to send everyone home so we can get people like Rodney (Rodney and Rush butting heads every day, can you imagine!?), Zelenka, Mitchell and Daniel on board for three more seasons. Of course I might as well start the fan-fic myself considering the likelihood of that.

An Open Letter regarding Stargate SGU cancellation from Syfy bigwig