Stargate SG-1 1013 & 1014 The Road Not Taken & The Shroud

May3, 2014

10:00PM– The Road Not Taken
Teal’c went back to the Jaffa several years ago, and if you’re talking aboutVala Mal Doran, I hate to break it to you but she is currentlyoccupying a cell at Area 51.

11:00PM– The Shroud
You of all people should know that I don’t believe anything anybody says,even if I understand what they’re talking about!!

Bump for tonight.

Oops, forgot to put up a sign. :wink:

That was either really bad or really effective.

OK, that part was really bad then.

Maybe both

Sam’s a Major and Lorne is here? OK, that’s not good.

Hammond? I forgot about that part.

Alternate dimension vs alternate timeline? OK, that’s getting complicated.

Alt-Sam was working on an Arcturus reactor/Miller bridge? That explains a lot.

Hammond’s office is the new Oval Office? OK, that’s odd.

Actually, I think they’re pretty closely related in Sam’s beloved quantum theory

The entire planet? Wouldn’t that take ZPM level power?

Alt-Sam was married to Rodney?

Isn’t that a sign of the impending apocalypse?

President Landry?

Surprised Vegas alone didn’t give them enough power. :wink:

Yeah, I think that would freak me out a bit too.

Trying to guilt her into staying?

Julia Donovan? Nice

But not as nice as Sam’s dress.