Stargate SG-1 1013 & 1014 The Road Not Taken & The Shroud

Do you recognize the music in the party? Here’s a hint, you heard it earlier in the episode. :wink:

This isn’t looking good.

“Oh my god, you’re a lesbian”

That’s the conclusion Rodney jumps to?

Bill didn’t change a bit between realities.

And she never would tell her Rodney that.

Because she made most of it up. :slight_smile:

I just don’t buy McKay as a high-powered businessman

This is looking increasingly not good.

And Cam’s in a pretty tough situation.

Landry might be doing the wrong things for the right reasons…but his aide just appears to be evil.

Took Sam that long to bring up General Landry being in charge of the SGC?

Very cynical of alt-Landry

“Kind of” creepy?

Yeah, I bet that sparring session will go well for Siler.

Talking to an empty room for 2 weeks? Oh boy.

Since we’re getting close to the end of SG-1, how do we want to handle the movies? Ark of Truth can probably be done right after the series finale, but there’s a throw away line placing Continuum after Season 4 of Atlantis. Do we want to just get it out of the way or wait until after Season 4?

A Prior not talking about death and destruction? Hmm…

Prior Daniel? Oh shit.

Hmmm, good question. I say put it where it falls in the timeline, so after Atlantis season 4.

Suitably dramatic exit.

“Hey, what took you guys so long?”

Not what they were expecting to hear.

“She had a tremendous power of persuasion.” Yeah, it’s called breasts. :wink:

I kind of doubt it’ll be easy to convince them to do that, Danny.

Aaaaaand, here’s the dilemma.