Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

It is funny how the huttese language has the same syllabic structure as English. d:

Thus another reason not to watch the special editions. d:

Carrie was most attractive in the first (if you excuse the hairstyle) and third movies I think.


Slave Leia!!

Luke failed his Wisdom check on Jabba.

Love the Rancor battle.

Yeah and those two big brutes crying over it’s death. :slight_smile:

I actually felt bad for the Rancor when I heard his death rattle.

I guess it’s cuz I grew up with 80s puppet work and old skool special effects. I’m more impressed with than today’s CGI.

CGI sand looks off.

The spice must flow…

Wilhelm screams again! Poor Wilhelm!

Wilhelm scream!!

Actually Lucas quotes DUNE as an influence. Like, DUH! Who hasn’t that influenced? That’s the sci-fi Bible.

Why didn’t R2 use his turbo lifts? d:

How’s that for an adrenaline rush?!? Love the sequences in these films. The Sail Barge segment is OSSIM!!

Because he doesn’t have any, heretic?

See what I mean by having to forgot about the Prequels?

I prefer the space battles.

I hate CGI sand…

So, Vader is his “Trial”? d: