Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 5/27 @ 9PM ET

“I’m afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.”

The Emperor is so pompous and condescending. He deserves to be, though. He duped a whole universe. That’s got to be an ego boost.

And pandemonium breaks out. Chewbacca jumps off the top rope…

Blast from the Death Star. Reel 6 begins.

Death of an Ewok. We mourn.

What else is Luke supposed to do beside take the lightsaber? How can he avoid the Dark Side? I don’t understand. He’s supposed to kill them both but if he does, he will succumb to the Dark Side and become what he was meant to destroy?

Is the Emperor just messing with him?

What good is that Stormtrooper armor? It can’t defend against lasers, arrows, or rocks.

Very dumb Luke. You’ve got Palpy at your back and Vader in front of you and you drop your guard.

Palpy goads Luke on and tells him exactly what to avoid.


Seem to strike a nerve.

I guess Luke thot he would sacrifice himself for his friends. They would blow up the DEATH STAR and Palpy, Vader, and he would be dead.

“Young fool. Only now at the end so you understand.”

Huh? Understand what?

That he is no match for the Dark side?

Another friend of Vader bites the dust.

Note to self. Avoid Anakin Skywalker or Darth Vader or whatever he wants to call himself. He’s bad news for you.

Um, Lando. Han said, “Not a scratch.”

You gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do.

I hope the Death Star has ALLSTATE with Super Star Destroyers crashing into it.

Big Bada Boom.

So ends the story of Anakin Skywalker. What have we learned?

You can rise from a lowly slave to a Lord of an Empire by betraying your friends, murdering children and defenseless folks, and defending bullies with giant planet killing machines.

When you die, your son will forgive you and you’ll go to Jedi heaven. All this can be yours.

It’s too bad some other Jedi ghosts don’t show up. Like Mace Windu, for one. “Hey muthafrakker! Remember me? Thanks for chopping my arm off and leaving me defenseless.”