Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 5/27 @ 9PM ET

Monday, 27 May 2012
9:00 PM Eastern - 6:00 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

We begin the end.

Well, I do anyway.

I’ve been spelling Tatooine incorrect this whole time.

I have failed you. I have failed you.

What happened to you, Vader? You used to drive yourself around.

“The Emperor is coming here?”

Yeah. You know the big throne room in the station. Who did you think that was for?

Wife, “This reminds me of the Wizard of Oz.”

The knocking at Jabba’s door.

“…and a gift. Gift. What gift?”


“I’m terribly sorry. I’m afraid he is ever so stubborn about these things.”


“Both are hard working and will serve you well.”

Threepio’s feelings of betrayal are hilarious.

Droid torture chamber.

It’s not easy being Metal. Just ask Ozzy.

Threepio is so refreshing in this film after watching his forced lines and humor in the Prequels.

Where did that slim on Threepio’s face come from? I used to think it was from when Jabba hit him. I always thot Jabba just was slimy and it got on Threepio. But now I’m thinking when Threepio fell after the slap that he fell in Jabba poo. Ewww.

The Breen have captured Chewbacca and freed Captain Solo.

Wait. Leia is a Breen.

Jabba runs a fun establishment. Everyone has a good time.

Well, for the time being anyway.

My wife is not a fan of Salacious Crumb.

“That little guy is annoying.”

Luke’s got 99 problems but Slave Leia isn’t one.

Giggling at the thugs crying over the death of the Rancor.

“You’re gonna die here, y’know? Convenient.”


Artoo answers I’m serving drinks.


This is the fun that is Star Wars. The Prequels never captured that.