Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Kenneth Colley

I meant the character.

Not enough action for them??

He is still in command of the Executor in the next film. I won’t reveal his fate. :smiley:

I don’t know. I just don’t know.

Oh, I must be forgetting that he was still on there.

Maybe you should have done 3 this week and 3 next week…to keep their attention?

Don’t feel too bad. RotJ was my favorite of the series for a long time. They’ll learn. Just have patience. d:

Perhaps. But I used to watch all three films in one day.

I think most of us did.

Me too…but I was older when they originally came out…longer attention span. :smiley: Now I can watch 6 in one day.

Right as the Falcon makes the first pass of one of the large asteroids. There is a flash on it. Family Guy did the same thing in their version. I was glowing when I saw that. That’s a fan.

I forgot how smooth and easy the falcon looks flying.

I’d need time to recover from Episode 1. d:

Impressive projectile vomiting from R2 and that creature.

Love the noise the helmet makes.

The feeling up scene of this movie. d:

Now, I always thot this is where Yoda always trained Jedi. I thot Jedi were rare.

Did the droids, especially R2, ever meet Yoda in the prequels? Besides the award scenes.

I like the Muppet Yoda much better than CGI…except for his fight scenes in III.