Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Thursday, 3 June 2010
6 PM Eastern - 3 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

So, on time or traditional time?

On time. Sorry for not posting sooner.

Just starting up my disc now…

Han just got back to the base.

K. I started at the top of the hour, but I’m distracted.

This is how you write romantic dialogue. Thank you Leigh Brackett, we miss you.

Luke does not look so good there. Most of that is from the car crash Mark Hamill was in before shooting started.

I’m spoiled by the CGI and fulll screen from yesterday. I’m using the “Bonus” disc today which is the original movie. Black bars all around the movie and stereo audio.

R, “Use the Force, Luke.”

E, “Oh no. A Whiteout!!”

“R2 says the chances of survival are 725 to 1.”

Never tell me the odds!! Oh wait…

Spoiler! :smiley:

I really wish they would fix that. Why can’t we get the original versions?

Ewwwwww :eek:

No clue. Can only have hope for the Blu-rays.

Ew kissing!

I dubbed the VHS theatrical tapes to DVD…via a handy little device that ignores the protection. :slight_smile:

Worse quality than what’s on the DVD though.

Yeah but it’s not that bad…and no black bars. :smiley:

Lol. Never noticed he was still gagging after he hit the ground.

Whatever happened to Piett after the movie anyway?

One daughter went upstairs, the other is asking me about floods (she is reading a book about weather).

What is wrong with them? UGH!