Saturday, 25 May 2012
7:00 PM Eastern - 4:00 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)
I guess the new trilogy will not be a Lucasfilm Limited Production. Hrmh?
I’ve been watching too much Clone Wars animated series. I hear the voice-over guy reading the opening crawl.
That tautaun looks real. And it’s not even CGI.
IS that tautaun poop smeared on the wall behind Han right before he says, “That’s right. And my friend is out there.”?
Remember when we all thought you could learn to use the Force. Before there were midichlorins.
Mark Hamill is in a real blizzard. They filmed this scene right outside the hotel during a storm.
This movie has heart.
Star Wars has fun and adventure. It’s my favorite.
Empire Strikes Back has depth and intrigue.
What does a tauntaun smell like? I hope Disney will make an exhibit!
The sights and smells of the Star Wars universe.
My wife asked how Han and Luke survived. I explained that they built their shelter using the tauntaun for heat and meat.
Her reaction, “Gross.”
“Now you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf herder.”
No one writes dialogue like that anymore.
My wife is giving the Han Solo hair-do report.
And now, she is commenting on Han’s snokel jacket. She’s explaining how the fur on the outside does not protect you. It’s for show.
Name another series where the soundtrack is like a character. This truly is space opera. Sans the singing.
That’s a huge ship. I think the Empire has an inferiority complex.
“He is as clumsy as he is stupid.”
With all the dialogue Anakin said, he never said anything as cool as that.
“Right now I feel like I could take on the whole Empire by myself.”
Wife said, “Right now I feel like I could eat a whole plate of hotcakes by myself.”
She’s hungry and wants to go to IHOP.
CGI is cool and everything. But I love stop motion and model work, especially in this film.
The little Vader hologram always makes me giggle
“Good shot, Janson.”
That’s right. Positive reinforcement. Wedge must have gone to management training.
“Target. Maximum firepower.”
I always feel bad for that one Rebel that gets shot right before they shoot at the base. I wonder, “Did he just get hit with maximum firepower or did they change the setting before shooting the base?”