Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 5/23

Wednesday, 23 May 2012
6:30 PM Eastern - 3:30 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

Hey frakkers!!

Here we go.

BTW, it’s free Slurpee day. I"m going to start the film and comment later once we get back from getting Slurpees!

Oh. I guess we’re alone. OK.

I dug the chase through Coruscant.

“I hate it when he does that.”

Spoon feeding the audience that Anakin is reckless. Check. Got it. Thank you.

E, “That was lucky.” When Anakin loses his lightsaber and Obi-wan grabs it from the sky.

Me, “In my experience there is no such thing as luck.”

E, “Huh?”

Me, “Never mind.”

This is the most sedate bar folk evah.

E, “Can a Jedi use the Jedi mind trick on another Jedi?”

Me, “I don’t think so.”

E, “Can we find out?”


Try as they might, these scenes between Padme and Anakin are painful.

Once again, everything looks beautiful and the music is wonderful.

“Don’t do anything without consulting the council or myself.”

Yeah. Like that’s gonna happen.

“I’m more worried about her doing something foolish than him.”

wink wink

Jawa juice.


This Diner is more hopping than the bar from earlier.

Obi-wan was staring at Dooku’s bust in the archives.

George Lucas’ adopted son walks into the archives after the librarian tells Obi-wan his system does not exist.

So, Jedi can’t marry but they can leer creepily.

Kamino looks like a depressing place with it raining all the time.

Who’s Syfo Dyas? Army? Clones?

So, basically the whole plot happened off-screen. Thanks for letting us know. This is frustrating for the audience. It’s like being told about a movie you didn’t see while watching the movie. Poor story telling. If you didn’t show it, it didn’t happen.

When they show younger clones working with monitors, that’s how I envisioned the simulators from Ender’s Game.

“Sounds too much like a dictatorship to me.”

And you were a Queen?