Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 5/23

“Jedi don’t have nightmares.”

Ugh. It’s like every exposition about the Jedi sucks.

I’ll share a secret with you. Sometimes when I re-watch Episode II, I skip all the Padme and Anakin scenes. It’s a much better movie, mostly.

This fight between Obi-wan and Jango is badass.

“Seismic charges.”

Make no sense in space but totally cool.

This is a touching scene between Anakin and Shmi. It’s more intimate than the moment when Owen and Beru were murdered by the Empire. Also, Anakin’s retribution is more intimate and immediate. This is where the film gets interesting and this is the best scene between Anakin and Padme. This drags the audience closer and you finally get something. Then, everything changes. They leave Tatoonine and never talk about it again. This is pretty darn important and it is just shelved.

E, “And this is why he becomes a Dark Lord because Anakin is filled with hatred and revenge. That’s what lead him to the Dark side.”

“Artoo, what are you doing here?”

Changing the plot. Ugh!

Bye Shmi and Lars folk. Thanks for all the fun.

Commenting on the final wedding scene: R, “That is so beautiful.”

The ending battle was amazing. This is the Star Wars I think many fans were waiting for. As I mentioned, it distracts from the emotional trauma Anakin experienced though.

Sorry. Was out to dinner for my nephew’s birthday.

You sure? He can explain it a couple hundred more times, if you’d like. :slight_smile:

And the shame of it is that they’re both good actors. But even the best actors can’t muster a lot of emotion when they’re sitting in a green room all day. Locations and sets are expensive, but George, you can afford it. :frowning:

What else would they do?

Seems restful. I like it.

Exactly. This isn’t just a bit of fluff or bonus materials that expand the context. It’s literally major plot points from this movie THAT DON’T APPEAR IN THIS MOVIE.

Double-You. Tee. Eff?

An elected queen.

Well, I didn’t vote for her.

Everything about the Jedi sucks after watching the prequels. Everything great about them from the main trilogy is washed away in an ocean of suck. :mad:

Makes no sense? It shakes nothing.

How deep is that?

Sadly, if you follow the narrative of the movies, love leads him to the Dark Side.

Great lesson for the kids, George. :mad:

Holy craaap! It’s so obvious. Anakin’s love for his mother and Padme. Luke’s love for his sister and father saves him from the dark side.

This is all in spite of the foolish teachings of both the Jedi and Sith. Passion can be destructive and creative. I guess that is the true nature of the Force.

I just re-watched AotC and it struck me that if the kiss scene had been moved to the scene by the fireplace (maybe even turn that scene into a hook up or close to it), then having the “we can’t do this” conversation, it would’ve helped the love story feel more organic. That and getting rid of most if not all of the greeting card dialogue. Seriously, who talks like that? I kept saying to Anakin, “tone it down, kid; you’re coming on a little strong.”

To me this movie suffers more in terms of the editing and the fact that it was shot entirely on digital and almost entirely agasint green screens. The third act battle feels way too claustrophobic, and Count Dooku is just not well developed enough. The detective angle is cool, though, and the fact that Dooku uses the truth to confuse Obi Wan, well, that’s pretty bad ass.

Jango, like Darth Maul, is severely underused, alas.

This drove me NUTS…it was like Lucas expected us all to read a bunch of EU books that didn’t exist and that Dooku being behind the Sith plan was a big SHOCK REVEAL…but hell it’s practically the first time we see him on camera he’s packing a red saber and shooting lightning…so its no shock at all…even if he had a few scenes in the first one with the Jedi Council that was all you needed to add some feel of a dang swerve…amazing how Lucas always seems to over-develop the characters you don’t care about but glosses over all the cool villains he creates…

Hell, even before he pulls out the saber and the force lightning he was trying to kill Padme! His speech to Obi Wan is great and ambiguous, but then he’s telling Nute Gunray, whose support he needs, not to worry, that Padme will die soon. I understand that Gunray needs this to guarantee his support for the separatist cause (which brings up the question: why is he still a separatist in Episode III?), but if Dooku is “a political idealist, not a murderer” and Lucas wants us, the audience, to see him ambiguously, why wouldn’t he try to appease the Trade Federation and at least PRETEND to try to save Padme, Anakin and Obi Wan?

Attack of the Clones is quickly becoming my least favorite Star Wars film.

It’s hard to see past how much Jar Jar ruined the first one though :cool:

But yeah there was a lot of Swiss cheese in the second one too…you know…lots of holes… it felt like Anakin’s turn in that way…you were expected to assume a LOT on the way…

Thankfully the Clone Wars Series of Graphic Novels filled mucho holes for me!

See, that’s the thing: I love Star Wars, but I don’t want to have to do homework to enjoy the films. Yes, it’s a brave, new, multi-media world you’ve created, Mr. Lucas. Can I just watch your movies without having to read in preparation, though?

And, try as I might, I just can’t totally hate Jar-Jar. He’s obviously there for the teeny kids. I think his story arc was a missed opportunity (I half expected him to be the anti-Anakin, becoming more grown up and responsible as the series progressed. Okay, he was responsible…for the creation of the empire. HEY OH!). But, re-watching Phantom Menace recently, I just couldn’t hate on him as much as I expected to.

Let’s see how I do with the Ewoks this time around…

I’ve learned to tune out lil Jar Jar just like I tune out annoying customers who call me on Sundays :shifty:

At least if we were going to have a homework assignment from Mr Lucas…I wish he’d have given us the fraking textbook…gggrrrrr

the re-mastered celebration scene does make the Ewoks much more tolerable…

I ran a whole Star Wars RPG campaign with the exclusive goal of fixing how we got to where we did by Revenge of the Sith…damn I’d love to run that again…