Star Wars Ep.6: Return of the Jedi

11 pm would work good for me, but I hate to have the time changed to that just to accomodate me. For all I know it may turn out that I won’t be able to do it any time on Sunday. So don’t change the time unless, some 11ish eastern time (give or take) is good for most folks.

How very Vulcan of you. :rolleyes:


This is the last SW party. Why mess with what we have been doing? I can go an hour or two before the usual time if there is really a need to change the time.

Edit: I just read the 1st page. You want to change the time to a later hour. That works for me, but I don’t want to leave GR out in the cold…

It’s probably best not to change. I shouldn’t have opened my mouth about it—like I said, I’d hate to have the time changed just to accomodate me (I don’t hear anyone else complaining strongly about 4 pm Sunday). For all I know, you could change it to 11 pm and something could come up and I STILL wouldn’t be there.

So I think it’s good to keep it at 4, at least to wrap up Star Wars :slight_smile:

Wow! Democracy at work.

Either that or bribing through cake.

See now you’re talking!!

For some reason I have a feeling that Popetine will appear and make us watch the movie at 11 EST.

I say we keep it the way it has been. If Thot’s up at that time, him and I can cause some havoc. If anyone else is up for it, c’mon and join. Y’know what why didn’t I think of that before. I missed so many of these. Grrrr.

For future movie frak-parties maybe we could have two or three threads with different start times (say 10 am, 4 pm and 10 pm EST), much like they have for the East Coast, Central and Pacific time BSG broadcasts. The discussions seem to spill over beyond the actual showing of the movie. If people wanted to continue a discussion then they can just switch to the next thread. With most of these DVD based re-watches spoilers aren’t really an issue… Just a thought…

Great thot!!

Yeah. What he said.

The only thing that would suck about that is that you’d get less people in each thread since everyone would pick their time when they post. Maybe a late afternoon and late evening split would work.



With weirdly shaped breasts!

So if you turn to the dark side, you get a nice, perky rack? Does the Force keep her top from falling off when she’s fighting? I know many women who’d like a strapless bra with those capabilities.

Maybe she’s wearing one of those invisible bras.

Do Sith Chicks get pregnant? If they do, is the child automatically a Sith? Can Sith Chicks take the pill to not get pregnant or would that mess with the midichlorians? Are Sith midichlorians are different color from Jedi midichlorians?

LOL Dawn, I was imagining something similar - she looks like she can’t move.

So I’ll see people at 4 EST tomorrow? Yes?

4 PM EDT? And yes.

I’m in- thanks for keeping the times the same. 1 pm here works out well.