Star Wars Ep.4: A New Hope

Wow, one of the greatest fairy tales ever conceived. This would have been a classic even if there had never been any prequels, sequels or EU.

Yay! we’re popping your re-watch cherry lol

10pm. That’s quite a comfortable time actually.

The Reg. Speal Edition I assume.

IYKWIM … I guess?

i have the widescreen dvd with the most recent copyright date as 2004, and it has the 1997 changes in it

Oh yeah, too bad you can’t get the original version without the added special edition gimmicks anymore. I used to have the original on VHS somehwere…

when we originally discussed doing a rewatch, we realized that most of us had the original “Greedo doesn’t shoot first” theatrical version available. of course this is almost a completely different group

hehe c3p0…

ok so here the stormtroopers aren’t so bad at aiming.

We have that somewhere on VHS… we being my parents. And I don’t even own a VCR :frowning:

You’d think GL would make all the different versions available, he would make more money off of them…

that stun setting looks like it could hit anything, you don’t even have to point it somewhere

And it’s not so easy to get a VHS tape on DVD, if you’re not a complete tech freak

Check out They are working on a HD version of the original original trilogy.

so question: spice mines of kessel? what kind of spice?

Vader! woohoo!

I’m always amazed at how fast Carrie Fisher talks–especially in the message to Obi-Wan

No gooey cinemon bun jokes GR? :stuck_out_tongue:

That sounds cool, I’d be totally satisfied with a regular DVD.

Oregano of course.

I have theatrical on dvd–they released them sometime last year, I believe–more money for GL, just as you say, casilda

You know, all the other times I felt a let down with the effects when watching in this order but those space shots are actually pretty cool… hmmmm…

Spice is a drug.