Star Wars Ep.1: The Phantom Menace

Leading into our post-BSG-4.0 Star Wars podcast arc, we’re asking that everyone take a little time out sometime in the next few weeks to pull out their copies of the Star Wars movies and give 'em a re-watch.

Feel free to discuss here, and don’t be afraid to call in your Star Wars audio comments any time – we’ll queue 'em up for use in the appropriate podcast during the arc.

It might be a useful exercise to view “The Phantom Edit” after watching this. It’s a fan-made recut of the film, with a lot of the awkward dialog excised. It clocks in about twenty minutes shorter, and is generally considered a stronger film.

I’m a find this a slap it on the POD. So i can watch it at work :slight_smile:

Thanks, i never heard of this version.

…and slap it on my ipod. Wireless keybord dying.

Podrace and Maul


Very much like to forget that

Watto, the Flying Armenian Junkyard Dealer. Also known as “Mr Warmth.”
The crooked slave-owning hard deal driving original skeeve with the heart of gold. With mob ties.

Y’know, what burns me most about Episode I – did no one (really no one?) think to tell Lucas, “Gosh, your aliens all sound like real-world ethnic stereotypes?” Frak, if we’re gonna criticize BSG for casting Elosha as the “spiritual Negro” (and I’m not saying we shouldn’t), then there is no way Lucas gets a pass for Jar-Jar, Watto, and the Trade Federation. Egads.

Really – no one around Lucas either thought to say or felt they could say, “Hey, George, you should really rethink this…” ? Wow.

I’m sure they all said, “Brilliant! That way, we can transmit to the audience their opinion of each character. They won’t even have to think!”

LadyD! You’re an OG! Congrats! Glass ceiling be damned!

thank you Uncle Stroogie! I’m undergoing treatment for OCPD–obsessive compulsive posting disorder. careful, it’s contagious

Sure. YOU tell the billionnaire he’s being stupid. :smiley:

You guy wouldn’t happen to be interested in watching The Phantom Edit would you? I can get it for ya

Star Wars is the negative example for what would have happened to Star Trek too, if they hadn’t shoved Roddenberry into an advisory position after the first movie.

I’ve been wondering where to find it. Is it available by regular means or other means?

It’s weirdly rare by Other Means. I have no idea why. (Well, one idea.)

I recently obtained it by other means. interesting. picture quality very sketchy. ironically, I found I really missed a lot of the stuff that was cut (except for that midichlorian craaaap–frakking stupid idea to science up the mysticism–and some, but not all, of the Jar Jar hijinks). I had thot the podrace would be shorter, but it still felt painfully long to me.

There are a couple versions out there (there was actually one older than the cellibrated one.) I’m not sure how to distinguish them, though.

If you guys are into fanedits I recommend this site.

The place that inspired that site.

I’ve found a few gems on both. The TOS Battlestar edits are highly recommended