Star Wars Ep.1: The Phantom Menace

I will say this for the midichlorians (as overall a dumb idea as it was): it gives some meaning to Luke’s line to Leia in Ep VI, “The Force is strong in my family – my father has it, I have it, my sister has it.” If. as Ben tells Luke in Ep IV, the Force “surrounds us, binds us together, penetrates all living things” – then Luke’s line to Leia makes little sense. He can’t mean “my family is very attuned to the Force,” because Leia clearly is not (she has the one moment of telepathic contact with Luke in Ep V, but Luke initates that). So, I guess the “harmonizing”/conflating/making excuses for Lucas answer is that, while the Force is indeed a mystical energy field created and shared by all life, some creatures are predisposed to be more attuned to it than others by virtue of their midichlorian count.

The Force-bugs be with ya!

The thing that bugs, no pun intended :p, me is that it is like Lucas wanted to inject more analogies to other religions.

That one scene in Ep.1 just took so much away from what the force was in the OT. I do not need Christianity and Scientology comparisons pushed in my face. At the very least, try to be subtle about the whole thing.

Leia is very attuned to the force. I mean if you buy that Vader is Jesus infused with pure thatons(SP?) and is the most ,supposedly, powerful Jedi in history, how could she not be. She just hasn’t received any formal training like Luke. In the Expanded Universe she gets some minor training and also has a very strong force bound with her children.

in honor of the upcoming frak party, a different take on one of my least favorite parts

I guess we’ll start in half an hour.

Five minutes now. Anyone else doing this, or should the whole idea be scrapped?

I’m here lucky. Just need to cue the movie up.

I’m in


2 min to go

Great, looking at the clock one minute till 4:00.

start your dvds

Or vhs and beta.

dun dun dun dun dun dun dun



Bah VLC is being crappy

Hey, I got an attic full of them and mini-discs+ 8-track

Does anyone else think they could have created a better title than the phantom menace?

Mmm, of course would you like egg roll with your order

Soo…It’s 4:05 --Have we started?

You can tell the battle droids were built by a corporation. They have a very minimalist look; built by the lowest bidder and all that.

The name worked for me.

Yeah I am at about 8:00