Star Wars Blu-rays

I always felt Gone With the Wind needed a few more exploding helicopters, I hold out hope for a Michael Bay Directors Cut.

In my wildest dreams, I’m hoping that the Blu-Ray set also includes things like “From Star Wars to Jedi,” which I saw precisely once on the Sci Fi channel when I was twelve, and which I’ve been dying to see again ever since.

Yeah. I rented that from the local video store back in the day.


I still have a VHS somewhere of this. Humm, I should dig up in the closet.

I’ve certainly got a lot of use out of the original trilogy DVD set I bought five years ago. I never would have dreamed at that time I’d actually be using them for YouTube videos. But I can’t see any reason right now that I would be buying the Blue rays, unless they went back and made another special edition of Jedi, where it doesn’t suck quite so much.

blu-ray looks better than dvd.

Yeah, but spending $50 or more for a slightly better quality picture is for super mega ultra nerds. I’m just a regular nerd.

Maybe this deserves its own thread, but I think the only way I’m going to be happy is to make my own damn cut of these movies. (Han shoots first, Jaba in A New Hope, enchanced Could City effects, but no Haden as Anikin’s Ghost).

Stupid Anakins ghost, still makes me mad.

Gods that would be awesome. Go to a Lucas website and select what goes in and doesn’t in the six movies.

  1. No freakin’ Jar Jar. At all.
  2. Boba Fett original voice
  3. Enhanced Cloud City
  4. Original Tattoine
  5. Romantic dialogue in II edited. Seriously edited.
  6. Enhanced final sequence in Star Wars = ok
  7. No Haydn in Jedi
  8. Original Ewok song! C’mon!
  9. Han shoots Greedo. Twice.
  10. Jabba in Star Wars…maybe

With a little work, that could be a decent poll.

the special editions just DESTROYED jabba’s image.

in the original, he was this huge menacing crime boss who could have you taken out at any time by one of his crew.

in the special editions, han steps on his tail and when you enter his palce you are greeted with a musical number in the style of barney the purple dinosaur.

id like to forget all of that.

A gangster can enjoy a musical number and still be a gangster. d:

Music is art after all.

I first read that as ‘jarjar’s image,’ and did a double take.

Then I realized, “That’s it! It’s not too late! George can still redeem himself! Just one more special edition!”

Would you believe that much as I dislike Jar Jar, I don’t hate him? It helps me to think of him as an awkward teenager.

Also, saw a great tweet from Ahmed Best the other day: “Jar Jar walked so Gollum could run, Gollum ran so the Na’vi could fly.”

Also, Jabba was strangled by a teeny tiny princess in a bikini. He couldn’t have been that tough :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, that doesn’t really help much.

Or, at the very least, his windpipe wasn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and my big Lucas pet peeve:

The movie was called Star Wars. Not A New Hope. Yes, that’s the name of the chapter, but the movie is Star Wars. Not bloody A, B, C, or D, damn it.

That was excellent. lol!

he wasnt tough because people couldnt beat him up, he was powerful because he could tell 10 other people to beat you up and they would jump to do it.
even the biggest mobsters go down. al capone went to jail on tax evasion, but i bet he didnt let a guy who owed him money walk on him.
having that scene put in star wars makes jabba go from being like tony soprano to steve urkel

I’ve finally loaded From Star Wars to Jedi to my DVR. If this isn’t included on the Blu-Ray release I can copy it to disc for ya. :wink: