Star Trek: Voyager 2x5 "Non Sequitur"

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Why does everyone say relax when they’re about to do something terrible?”

Harry Kim bedhead!

the soft focus camera? the girlfriend in curious hair and nightgown?

Poor Harry. this is the nightmare variation of everyone - you have an exam you forgot about, didn’t prepare for, etc.

This is THE Harry Kim episode, isn’t it?

Cas, I’m still at work but I can join ya while other things are processing around me.

It is indeed. :slight_smile:

His security codes still work?

Alright. I really don’t want to bash BBBUUUUUTTTT… this is a Brannon Braga and Harry Kim episode. That usually adds up to not-a-fan-favorite.

Alright. I got that off my chest.

I wonder what a Vulcan Mocha tastes like. Probably filled with a bunch of iron.

Yeah. But it’s the first. And look, Harry just got some lovin’. I think he gets some other action later, too.

That’s part of what irked me about the episode. The relationship felt very forced. I kept asking Why is he here? What’s going on? And not getting answers. Meanwhile, there is this relationship that feels like Harry wants to get out of and doesn’t feel comfortable. I was really confused about what the episode was trying to convey.

I am still confused as to what the episode is trying to convey. And I’m still watching it. And I’ve watched it before.

As always, Michael Pillar said it better…

Michael Piller was similarly unsatisfied with the episode. “I felt that this was a great premise that didn’t live up to its potential,” Piller stated. “I felt production-wise it was quite good, and I felt that there were some good scenes in it.” About the sought-after Hitchcockian tension, Piller opined, “I don’t think we ever achieved [it]. There were long, languid scenes that cut the tension.” Another problem that Piller perceived was that Kim managed to solve the episode’s conundrum too easily. “I felt the resolution was too easy,” he remarked. “I didn’t know personally how to recommend a solution, but having the alien sit down and say basically everything you needed to know about this show and more in one scene, and here’s what you do to get out, didn’t work. It just felt like we didn’t earn our way out of it.”

Is it an alternate timeline, alien abduction, or altered state episode? shrug

BTW, Libby (Kim’s girlfriend) is the same actress who played a Klingon female opposite Worf in Birthright, Part 1.

Starfleet when it’s shown on Earth always kinds of freaks me out. I don’t know how to articulate why, though.

I guess Starfleet rehabilitation doesn’t actually rehabilitate, if Paris is still “a maquis criminal”

don’t worry your little head, Harry Kim

hacking his security anklet? hahahaha oh Harry you rebel you.

And the plot is wrapped up with a pretty bow.

That is my biggest beef with Voyager. Now…why don’t quick wrap-ups that happen in TOS bother me? Am I being bias? Can TOS do no wrong in my eyes? Yes. And Yes.

Seriously, I wonder. Does Voyager suffer the Star Wars prequel syndrome for me? I grew up on TOS. I was a child while watching them and they hold a very special place in my heart. I wonder if I had watched Voyager as a child would I feel so much resentment towards it? I guess I figured Star Trek should be getting better, more challenging. By this point, it feels like they gave up or that horrible excuse of the tank is running out on Star Trek was reeking its ugly head. I am a strong believer that there can never be too much Star Trek. I do however believe that other folks need to step in when the present regime is tired of it.

Perhaps it’s the distant camera shots they always do. You feel very removed or distance like viewing something sacred or not to be tarnished.