Star Trek: Voyager 2x3 "Projections"

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Don’t Panic!”

spooling up some star trek :slight_smile:

Woohoo!! It’s happening. I’m finally here.

Or am I? Could I be a simulation?

Ship’s empty?

Hmmm…just the Doc and Majel. That could work.

[i]Making the Doctor unsure of his reality provided the genesis for this episode. Writer Brannon Braga recalled, “I just wanted to do a doctor show, and basically a one-liner just popped into my head one day: What if the doctor discovers that Voyager is a hologram and he is real? Then I got into the argument ‘I think, therefore I am’; what does being real mean? I just thought it was an opportunity to do a real mind-bending kind of story.”

Soon after having penned the episode, Braga noted, “The one-liner was, ‘What if the Doctor started to realize that he was a real person, and Voyager was the holographic simulation?’ It becomes a kind of creepy, philosophical quandary for the Doctor […] It has been a while since I’ve done one of those reality-bending stories. The great challenge in this episode was to keep the audience wondering, ‘My God, could this really be happening?’ The fun is not in believing it, the fun is in considering all the different twists and turns along the way. As I always say, the tale is in the telling.” [/i]

“My usefulness has come to an end.”

He’s so depressing in the beginning of the series.

B’Elanna to the rescue!!

But she isn’t real…

“We’ve been setting up holographic projectors.”


My spooling is soooooooo slow… did you start right at 10? I’ll try to catch up (seriously this is why I need a new computer - it has taken 8+ minutes to get the browser, netflix, etc. to open… and it’s still loading…)

OK I got going and skipped the first 9 minutes. the Doctor is currently scanning “Janeway”

This episode was one of a few that Paramount Pictures studio executives reviewed, when evaluating Jonathan Frakes’ ability to handle the film Star Trek: First Contact. Having become friends with the director while working on this episode, Robert Picardo was able to arrange a cameo appearance in that film.

This is a good episode. No wonder Frakes got the job.

Hey Cas! I started @ 10. I use me Blu-ray player to watch Netflix. Less flipping through windows.

Neelix is playing with the Kazon. The Doctor helps him out.

We’re synched.

I empathize with Neelix’s feeling about his favorite pan. Though I would be much more angry.

I’m set up on old computer and even older computer, TV’s in the other room.

The Doctor drops the fry pan on the Kazon. Picardo has fantastic comedic timing. I would have loved to see a scene with the Doctor and Data.

“Computer, is this me?”


The Doctor is alive. ALLLLIIIIVVVEEEE!!!

I like that the Doctor hits the console to try to get it to work. There was a piece on my local public radio station this afternoon about the myth of how we try to get games to work (blowing on cartridges, hitting consoles, etc), hahaha

“Shut down all holographic systems throughout the ship.”

You just shut yourself off, Janeway.