Star Trek: Voyager 2x21 Deadlock

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“Mr. Kim, we’re Starfleet officers. Weird is part of the job.”

ah, Ensign Wildman. Look, women in Starfleet have kids, too!

oh no not a vaporized pot roast!

And yet, Neelix has no problem making a pregnant woman get down on the floor repeatedly.

Would it be easier to just beam the baby out? Why even have transporters if you’re not going to use them?

We know Neelix is the morale officer without actually knowing much about anything related to being effective in that position. :cool:

“I’m sick of pushing.” yeah, the Doctor’s pedantic and annoying,

OMG 96 hours in labor must be so terrible.

I guess there are no c-sections in the future

Fetal transport? I was right!

Seriously, I didn’t remember they did that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this episode before. I really thought I’d seen them all.

Wait. Harry just got sucked into space? Is this a dream?

This is a nice action episode - which is a bit of a change in tone (if that’s the right word) than the last few Voyager episodes we’ve been watching. It’s not that other episodes didn’t have action, but the stakes here are higher.

[spoiler]Also, time-space stuff! woohoo![/spoiler]

aaaah whoops I may have just let slip a spoiler.

Poor Ensign Wildman.

It’s OK. You fixed it before I saw it.

What the frell was that?!?!


the doctor is very keen on his importance in the scheme of life. :slight_smile:

How could a species that delivers children vaginally have offspring with upward-pointing sharp cranial forehead ridges ever evolve naturally?

I meant the weird ghost-Janeway.

interspecies babies! always a surprise.

I wonder why they don’t just deliver by transporter in these cases? though maybe people would have issues with that like issues around the growing use of c-sections

oddly enough this technobabble makes some sense

Janeway’s story about losing the tennis match is so her!