Star Trek: Voyager 1x15 "Jetrel"

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“When I saw that blinding light, brighter than a thousand suns, I knew at that moment exactly what I had become”

and here we are again

though my brower’s being slow, so… yeah.

OK here we go. Started at 3 minutes after.

Neelix thinks something sounds dishonorable so he doesn’t want to do it? oh, Neelix.

well at least here we get more of a backstory for Neelix and his people besides his happy-go-lucky I love Kes and let me help you in this quadrant attitude.

Here we’ve got the Delta Quadrant and political conflict that doesn’t involve the Kazon! Yay!

The figure of the scientist trying to do right (or is he?) by the destruction of his inventions is always an interesting one, imo.

I’m late, but I’m here.

Frankenstein story?

That actor has played A LOT of great characters on Star Treks. My favorite is the deflecting Romulan commander on TNG. He was also Odo’s “father” (I think?).

I’m about 15 minutes along.

A bit more mechanical than Frankenstein imo

The episode was a conscious attempt to recreate the chemistry and powerful dramatic effect of DS9: “Duet”. (Both episodes were the penultimate in the first season of their respective shows.) Whereas “Duet” was an allegory for the Nazi German treatment of several communities, this episode was a metaphor for the aftermath of the United States’ nuclear bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima during World War II.

Even though the Executive Producers disagree as to whether or not it is a Hiroshima metaphor.


Dr. Robert Oppenheimer hated himself in some ways form creating the atomic bomb.

Yeah it seems that the writers thought of Jetrel as Oppenheimer.

The incidental music for this scene between Jetrel and Neelix is really lovely for undergirding the scene.

Yup. I like it too

I don’t hate Kes, per se, but I dislike her relationship with Neelix. So her showing up just jars me.

How many times has Neelix been almost dying in this series?

Yeah, I just don’t beleive their relationship. Don’t see the chemistry there.

Isn’t he always?

Though I don’t know much of that has come up this season so far from what I recall.