I like how everyone in the future uses iPads (or kindles or nooks or whatever you call em)
I may be exaggerating. Only remember once now that I think of it. (besides this one)
tablets, they are. or rather, our current tablets and e-readers are old-school PADDs
“regenerative fusion”
it’s a really cool idea
nice touch alluding to Janeway’s scientific reputation
Kinda of a gruesome procedure. Was that half formed person in the transporter in pain?
It seems unclear whether or not it is just biological material that is maintained in the cloud - what about their souls? Their consciousness?
Spending the last hours of your life in sickbay? Doesn’t sound like anything ideal.
This is good for us to get to know Neelix though - that forgiveness is huge.
There’s no proof that souls exist. And consciousness it just matter and electricity.
No proof doesn’t mean they don’t
But they’re talking about bio-technobabble matter - do they actually have an understanding of what it is to be Talaxian (or human or whatever)? Has that been preserved in the cloud over the past 15 years?
Of course we never come back to the possibility, which is a shame. The ethical implications if there is consciousness suspended in that field I think would have made for an intriguing exploration.
He’s a forgiving guy
In Star Trek science there’s definitely a precedent set of moving consciousnesses around from person to person. Star Trek TOS did it all the time.
And Spock’s katra being stored in McCoy’s mind is the big example.
But, I don’t believe it’s scientifically possible, personally.
tear I really miss me some Trek Tuesdays. I made me a promise and broke it. UGH!!