Star Trek: The Motion Picture Frak Party 3/26 @ 10 PM ET

I think that was always Roddenberry’s vision. It was just a bit more problematic in the '60s.

<_< Is the bad guy in this movie a cloud, srsly. It’s not even like Romulan controlled cloud?

Speaking of basement dwellers, you are closing in on 10,000. How the frak are we gonna celebrate that ascension!!?!!

A curse on David Howe and his ilk. Shoulda invited him to the TX Meet-Up and showed him that female geekdom is alive and well. And the average BSG fan ain’t no a-social basement dweller. (says me the guy that wasn’t even there :stuck_out_tongue: )

AKA the homage to 2001.

Amen, bruther. Amen.

Wait for it. Wait for it.

It’s a scary, eeire cloud though. Spooky

hmmm… looks eerily like The Colony

I was planning on just copying off you. :smiley:

Yeah! Some of us live in attics or under bridges! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a sinister, swaggering cloud with pithy evil dialog :smiley:

It’s funny to read the commentary from the actors on this film. Very similar to the first days of CGI acting. “Basically I was directed to stare at an X on the wall and react. I had no idea what I was supposed to be looking at until I saw the released film.”

BTW, the Scotch tonight is Diet Dr Pepper and cherry Pop-Tarts (which I only bought to get the $10 iTunes gift card in the box). :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been contemplating whether or not the scotch tonite will be actual scotch.
Haven’t gotten out of my chair for food nor drink since the movie started.

>_> You BUY music?

I remember how grandiose and, well, special this all seemed when I watched it at the theater. It certainly loses something on my itty-bitty screen. :frowning:

I feel no shame saying this. This film has a special place in my heart because it holds a wonderful memory. When it was shown on network TV, my whole family came over to watch it. It was the last time my grandparents, parent’s siblings were altogether in one place. My grandfather died a year later.

Star Trek has that power. I’ve heard several stories about how parents and children spent quality time watching Trek.

Don’t be silly. I buy games for my iPhone. :smiley:

Mmmmm…cherry pop-tarts.

Are you planning on being up for the next 12 hours? That’s some diet.

Cheif DeFalco siting at Nav is Mrs. William Shatner…at the time anyway.

I concur. My 2 brothers and I watched TOS as children. One of the last things I talked about with my father, before he died last year, was how much I enjoyed us watching ST.

As I’ve said before, Star Trek was one of very few things that my father and I really ever enjoyed together. Of course, we were the only ones in our family who did.