Star Trek: Nemesis 5/1 @ 10 PM ET

Poor Riker and Deanna.

Riker: What were you dreaming about?

Troi: I was dreaming about doing it with a guy with no beard, you idiot.

Riker: Ooooh…Hmm. Well, my bad.

It was good to see the crew in action again. But that’s about it. Felt like visiting old friends at a funeral.

I liked that episode where Troi goes undercover as a Romulan.

Uh oh, this can’t be good - they steal Picard and use the android against them.

And of course they decided to give them Data’s memories of all things.

Shinzon’s got Picard’s walk all wrong. Not nearly graceful enough.

And why? Was that scene necessary? What does it have to do with Shinzon’s plot? He’s just wasting time. It’s just for shock factor.

Alright. I’m gonna stop hatin’

now that one was included on my best-of list for Rach :slight_smile:

Not-Data that is Data can do a Vulcan grip thing-y? I don’t recall that.

I guess it was a low point in Trek popularity. At the time, Interest in Star Trek seemed to be fading in the general culture. Even my interest in it (if you can believe it) was kinda put away on the shelf for a time.

It’s back now, baby.:smiley:

You try mining dilithium your whole life.

Uh oh, I worry for the new movie, then. :eek: I recall some skin from the previews… :cool:

Oh I agree with you - there was no real need for that scene from what I can tell.

Like I said I don’t think I have watched this since it was out in the theaters

He’s not done it before. It’s done kinda tongue and cheek in this movie.

the weapons are flashy! shiny! hehe

“alacrity would be appreciated”
awww big words!

Ugg. I’m bad. Haven’t sent her my TNG list yet. Just my TOS top 20.

The music reminds me of whale call.

Kirk would say just “Spock!! Now Spock!!”

Man the Vipers!!!