Star Trek Movie pic: Tell me this doesn't look like a young Gary Mitchell

I hate the idea of starting a thread on a every little sub-subject. If there was a catch all Star Trek: The new movie , thread I’d put this there.
Anyway, I suspect this pic is Dr McCoy. But, damn doesn’t he look like a young Gary Mitchell. If I were doing a Trek movie about the beginning, I would feature the Gary mitchell character somehow. He’s Kirk’s longest and best friend for gods sake —before meeting Spock and McCoy that is.

EDIT: Here’s Gary Mitchell for comparison sake:


I mean…who is Garry Mitchell? :smiley:

Is that a serious question, or are you just trying to race the 4,000 posts mark?:smiley:

That’d be a great line to take, but a lot of non-geeks have no idea who he was.


Good point.
But don’t use Solai as an example.
I’m pretty sure he’s like a moron or something. But DON"T tell him I said that.:wink:

I’ll be sure to mention to this Garry Mitchell person that you think he’s a moron.

Go ahead. Cataract-blinded dyslexics with delusions of godhood don’t frighten me.


As you can see, Kirk and Mitchell were the best of friends, but…they didn’t ALWAYS get along:

Oh oh! I’m going to win a prize for this since I am the only one that decoded the title of the thread…here goes…

“TFG, that does not look like a young Gary Mitchell.”

Congrats for untangling the triple negative.

Judo chop!

For Solai…and others, Gary Mitchell was, as Thot mentioned, Kirk’s best friend throughout his academy days. He saved Kirk’s life a few times but also got him into a lot of trouble. It is assumed that Mitchell coaxed a young med student (Carol Marcus) Kirk’s way.

Mitchell had a high ESP rating and as a result of traversing the Great Barrier of the galaxy became a god. Kirk being the slayer of gods did his obliged duty and dispensed with Mitchell.

I hope that helps.

Oh… please let Kirk’s old “friend” Finnigan be in the new movie!

I’m with you laddie!

I’m still pissed the cadets aren’t wearing silver…

I know. I know. Do what I’m doing. I’m approaching it like it’s just another sci-fi summer blockbuster. The names and places (oh yeah and faces) are pure coincidence.

You mean like this?

“You should have killed me when you could, Jim, command and compassion are a fool’s mixture.” Lt Cmdr Gary Mitchell

Can’t believe I remember that line.

i’ve been a huge fan of karl urban ever since he was cupid on xena all the way to eomer in lotr…i thought for sure he’d be playing chekov!!!

so true…sooooo true

There’s been speculation (incorrctly I’m guessing) that the Star Trek sequel will feature Gary Mitchell.

Which made me think of this thread from. OMGs, three years ago? Wow :smiley: