Star Trek 1x05 The Enemy Within

“Phasers still set for level ONE. I say again, ONE.”

Crewman Wilson is like, “That fraking evil Kirk hit me, I’m not helping him rejoin with nice Kirk.”

Suppose it was Kennel Cough?

Well, he is fairly wooden. :smiley:

“I need to take him back, inside myself. I can’t survive without him.”

I rest my case. :smiley:


Frak, I’m cute.

Spock, this isn’t about you.


I double dog dare ya to stick your tongue to that communicator!!

Nope, that’s the following century. In the 23rd Century, they started treating women and minorities as equals. More or less.

“Spock, I want you to turn command over to Finnegan—otherwise he’ll hit me and I’m a-scared o him.”

Yeah well they’re gonna be hugging soon.

The jury is still out.

Now he’ll have no one but his flowers. :frowning:

117 deg below? Well, at least he has a blanket.

Kirk on Kirk Action!!

Hey, it’s me…uh…him…uh…

Can’t believe he fell for that.

Two men unconscious. Sulu’s lucky day! :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirk is going steady with himself now?

No so much with the split screen technology back then eh?