Star Trek 12/1 @ 10 PM ET

Tyler Perry is so not distracting here. Idk why so many people were upset that he was cast in the film. He gives the character a very nice gravitas.

And this is what concerns me.

Hell, you could have had Kirk say, “What are you? Some old timey sawbones?” Assuming you didn’t think your audience was a bunch of mouth-breathers.

subjective reality–awesome, isn’t it? :smiley:

heh. :smiley:


Gave me a minor irk about that. I let it go.

Even Spock doesn’t stand a chance here. snort

I know. I know. I still need to keep bitchin’ about it tho. It’s in my blood, what can I say.

With you on that one. Getting dangerously close to Trek Babies there.

Stunning earrings, as usual, on U.

Love Pine through this whole segment. He’s amazing. He really looks sick and in pain. Totally sells it.

Honestly, I’m not sure how many people would even recognize him without the old lady fatsuit. :rolleyes:

You can hear them breathing? :eek:

It’s the only reality I choose to experience. :stuck_out_tongue:

Balloon hands was a bit too far, but the rest of it works well.

There you go Jimmy, the ultimate sports car. :slight_smile:

Alright, now I understand. They dumbed it down. Got it.

Could be. And for all we know, Abrams is just fraking with us with that commentary comment. It is too much of coincidence I guess.

Yeah, that pulls me out of the movie every time for a few seconds. A tad too much.

Yeah. But his face at that part. He’s like What the…? giggle

you think? I was underwhelmed. disappointed not to see some sort of hoop :smiley:

Poor Sulu.

And right here, Sulu saves them all.

If he was a more competent pilot, they would have all been dead, and this would have been the shortest Star Trek movie in history. :smiley: