ST:The Next Generation 3X24 Ménage à Troi - 8/17 @ 11PM ET

Trek Tuesday, August 17th, 2010
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“I am the daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed…”

You can watch the episode on YouTube

Make it so!

Ready. Set. Jump!

I’ve always wanted a 3-D chess set.

Betazeds are bigots! :eek:

I don’t mean to sound like a chick, but Troi, you’re wearing the same dress you wore in the last episode.

So when does the three-way start? :rolleyes:

You know, Deanna, she might take you more seriously if you actually wore a uniform like a grown-up.

Hell, even Wesley looks more adult than you there.

I feel bad for the Ferengi. I think having ones erogenous zones on ones ears would be kinda problematic.

High five. :smiley:

Holy craaap, Troi! WTF are you wearing?

Not an improvement.

“Mother, how did you know about this place?”

It’s almost like she’s psychic or something. :rolleyes:

Or, alternately, it would be awesome. :smiley:

I don’t understand why Lwaxana doesn’t like him. Considering that Ferengis keep their women naked, it be like every day is her wedding day. :smiley:

Neelix! :eek:

Never thot of it that way, my that is quite logical.

So, just to back up a bit, Troi and Rikker’s relationship is essentially “Friends with Benefits”, yes?

At the very least, Friends with Smooching, people don’t really seem to have sex. :rolleyes:

In the 24 century they’ve evolved beyond the need for money and sex.
So prostitute, not such a lucrative career in those times. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t the frengi have Xbox or Nintendo?

So let’s call a spade a spage. Luxanna is basically giving the Frengi a blow job in this scene.