
Suddenly on my Google news my Technology section is overrun with a game I have never heard of…Spore.

I have done some quick reading and I think this is exactly the kind of game I would love. Has anyone else heard about it? Any insight that you can share?

Its been in production for a long time by some big wig in the games industry. only for the pc market. (so far)

will probably be a critical hit and unfortunately not push too many units. but at least it’ll be something different from the glut of the same FPS titles over and over and over and over… :frowning:

Technicly its also for the mac market :):):slight_smile:
also it got leaked early in case you want it. But I know Im bying it b/c I want to support new, and innovative games like Spore

Well, everything I have read about Spore has convinced me…downloading now!

I can’t believe you haven’t hear about this. This has been in the works for years and I thinks you will like it. I would say it is a cross between Simcity and Starcraft. The basic idea is to create your own race from the ground up. From tiny cellular creatures to a advanced civilization capable of taking over the galaxy. It is a massively online single player game, this means your race(s) and all other players are in the online database and they are used to populate your and others home worlds. From what I have scene this allows for a nearly unlimited game play, meaning with players constantly creating the games content you could play forever and have new content to enjoy. Sound like you are on board but if anyone wants more info they can view the gameplay previews on youtube. There are several video walkthroughs that show what the game looks like and how it will function.

My family always says that I think I am God. Now I am! BWAAAAAAHHHHAAHHA!

It is funny, the more I think about the more I recall hearing disparate news items about “Spore”, the game lost in development hell…etc. The more I think about it the more I am getting into the idea.

Only 14 more hours of downloading! Woot!


this game reinforces it

Yeh, I think they have been doing what is commonly referred to now as “Pulling a Blizzard”. Hopefully the quality is every bit that of Blizzards.

MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHA is the feminine form of the verb meaning: to laugh maniacally at your assumed superiority to others. :smiley:

Anyone waiting to decrypt, if you go to ea.com and change your country to United Kingdom and then log out and log back in to the download manager, you can go ahead and decrypt it

Decrypting now! Woot! :smiley:

The random planet name generator just popped up Solus. Your not here to sow your royal oats are you Solai. Oh wait, wasn’t that a movie. :smiley:

I’ve got Regular Edition. Installing now. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while.

EDIT: Installed. And away we go!

I may be picking this up at some point in the near future. It looks awesome (though it also looks like the type of game I suck at. But that’s never stopped me before).

I heard its pretty easy.

Okay, after nearly nine straight hours of playing, I have to say… It’s pretty impressive. Maybe not the greatest game ever, but it’s interesting. The first four stages are cool but they’re really just the build up for the space section, which is mind-blowingly amazing in so many ways. It could be it’s own game.

And despite the execution for each stage being a little rocky, and whole scope of going from a single celled organism to a space-faring race is amazing to say the least. This game will make you feel small.

It isn’t about difficulty, it is about being creative in the same way SimCity was. You create your own goals.

It would be great if all of us playing would post their Spore User Name so we can add each other to the buddy list and see what each other is creating.
I’m UchihaDaisuke.

I’m Mageknight19.

I saw an axeman named Audra running around :smiley:

I’m Solai, but I haven’t gotten to an interactive mode yet.

Well, I still have some money I was saving to get Force Unleashed, but I may spend it on this. Then again, I really don’t need another distraction right now. But if you’re all getting it and you’re all adding each other to your buddy lists, I may have to run out and get it. CURSE YOU, YOU FOUL TEMPTERS!

Did anyone else know all their creations get posted? Even the iterations?


Just change SOLAI to any user name and poof…cool and creepy at the same time.