Join me (probably just me :D) in a
Surprise Frak Party of
Available on Netflix Instant
Starting 10PM EDT
Join me (probably just me :D) in a
Surprise Frak Party of
Available on Netflix Instant
Starting 10PM EDT
Oooo…this sounds good on Dolby Surround.
OK lovin how they start this in B&W…and the dubbed in voices…
in the grand tradition of douchey brass, he brings out the monkey
and in the grand tradition of unattractive nerdgirls, I give you Marcia Gay Harden’s bangs
Hmmmm…why is everyone so worried about a 14 yr old commo satellite??
Man these guys sure do know how to set up the Good Guys V Douchebags roster.
Woah. James Garner as a priest??!
Has Audra seen this? I mean, it’s got Tommy Lee Jones. And that’s enough.
I love Tommy Lee Jones. He does great snark
It seems like the more tanned you are in this movie, the bigger DB you are. (just my take)
LOL. A vision test showdown.
Damn. Could so see EJO in this movie. First he’d kick the wise-ass astronaut’s sBArbs. Then he’d fix everything and teach the young-uns a lesson.
Marcia. Marcia. Marcia.
EJO and Clint in the same film has so much ass-kickin potential.
LOL my optometrist has to alternate charts cause I inadvertently memorize the letter sequences (yes, I’m a freak)
“Adapt! Overcome!”
“Frak you. Do your job”
Oh Crom! The SHAT cave is flooding!! Nasty weather here and my frakkin drain just overflowed into my basement. I just did some major cleanup. What a frakkin mess!!
bummer! I don’t suppose this is the time to lament the sunburn I got in our 90º weather today, is it? :rolleyes:
Anything damaged down there? Hope not!