Space: Above & Beyond -ReWatch

Our 5 heroes are now part of the 58th Squadron.

Now they fly to the Saratoga. (A space aircraft carrier)

Hey, their LIDAR sounds alot like BSG’s Dradis.

The commanding officer of the 58th, is Col. Tyrus Cassius McQueen.

Col bad-ass.

The 5 fly their first real mission.

Hawkes breaks formation in order to draw in the enemy fighter.

Lots of space battle sounds.

That was a cool move.

There’s one on Shane’s tail.

Finally a battle that humans win.

The 58th get a medal.
Well, hell, of course.

In 2063, the President of Earth is an Aussie.

Their toast.
“Here’s to being alive for one more hour.”

Nathan broods and grieves over Kylen.

Ok, that was the Pilot, Parts 1 & 2.

“Watch you hands, watch your hands.”

Next week, episodes 2 & 3.

Next week, episodes 2 & 3.